Stalker 2 2024 gameplay footage.

Stalker 2 2024 gameplay footage in Ukrainian and English.

Some early gameplay footage of Stalker 2 in Ukranian and English. This shows early gameplay and gives a small insight into how the game is working in this early stage of development.

Stalker 2 2011 artwork and sketches.

Stalker 2 artwork and sketches. These are lovely.

Some lovely artwork and sketches .

Stalker 2 2011 world map.

Stalker 2 2011 world map from 2011.

The whole world map from the Stalker 2 2011 game concept. This is the whole Ukraine exclusion zone.

Original design documents Stalker plot.

Original stalker plot.

A nice explanation of the original Stalker plot from the design documents.

Image of the Niichaz HQ from Stalker 2 2011.

Nice image of the Niichaz HQ from Stalker 2 2011.

A nice drawing of the Niichaz HQ from Stalker 2 2011. This is a very nice looking location. Possibly well guarded.

Footage of the Stalker 2 pseudogiant.

Quick clip of the Stalker 2 pseudogiant.

This is the footage of the Stalker 2 Pseudogiant. This is a scary clip, showcasing the power of this huge mutant.

Stalker 2 assets

Stalker 2 assets.

This is an image gallery of the items in the Stalker 2 world. These are very high quality renders. The game world is going to look very good in action.

Stalker 2 factions

Stalker 2 factions.

These are the currently known factions in the upcoming Stalker 2 game from GSC. There are a couple of new factions never seen before in Stalker, plus old fan favourites.

Stalker 2 world map.

Stalker 2 world map.

These images are cropped from the current Stalker 2 world map, this shows how large the game world will truly be.