Stalker plot synopsis.

Stalker plot synopsis.

The beginning.


The player is a former stalker who saved up money and left the Zone 10 years ago. He begins to have absolutely realistic, disturbing dreams in which he sees familiar places of the Zone. After these visions begin to invade real life, the player heads to the Zone.

*** The player arrives at NIICHAZ to receive an official pass to the Zone. There he meets the Shooter, who advises him to talk to the Doctor about the visions. The shooter assigns the player an official contract for the delivery of a package for the Doctor, and asks him to come to him in the evening for an official pass and instructions on how to find the recipient. The head of the security of the Research Institute comes into the office, the Shooter turns the conversation to another topic.



*** When the hero approaches the Research Institute in the evening, an explosion occurs, demolishing the Shooter's office. People are running together. One of them comments that the player is one of the last to talk to the Shooter. The head of security at the science campus nods and orders the player to be detained. He is locked up in the security department of the Research Institute, incriminating him with killing the Shooter by activating an illegally smuggled artifact. After a while, the player is released by one of the stalkers.

*** A player with a stalker enters the Zone, as this is the only place where you can hide from the official authorities. Along the way, the stalker tells the player that there is something fishy here: it is unlikely that the Shooter – an experienced stalker – could not have noticed how such a powerful artifact was activated in his presence. After passing the perimeter, the stalker directs the player to the City, to the Bartender, assuming that he can help figure out what happened. If the player asks about the Doctor, the stalker informs that the Doctor is a legendary person, but no one knows anything definite about him.

100 Rads bar.


*** The player arrives in the City - the largest semi-official stalker camp. In the 100 X-ray bar, the player finds a Bartender who reacts to him with coolness. He doesn't really believe in the innocence of the player, and says that a good reward has already been set for the Shooter's killer. The Bartender is not going to hand over the player, but he does not want to contact him either.

*** When a player leaves the bar, he is intercepted by a stalker. He says he heard the player talking to the Bartender, and invites the player to join their group – the player is not the first to hide from the authorities. The stalker gives the coordinates of their camp.

*** The player meets with bounty hunters who are looking for him. The head of their squad is the person who drew attention to the NIICHAZ player. The player is covered by visions, preventing him from fighting.

*** The player comes to the stalker camp. Stalkers say that in their group there are people who, for some reason, did not find a place on the Mainland. They help each other, knowing that, if necessary, they will be able to get help in return. They are residents of a Zone that they treat like home. Stalkers give the player a basic stalker suit in exchange for the one that the player received at the time.

Freedom base.


*** A trader comes to the stalkers' camp and offers to get a certain artifact. The stalkers agree, and offer the player to go with them on a sortie into the territory of "Freedom", since most of the rich places have recently passed into the hands of this group. During the sortie, in addition to the desired artifact, several others can be obtained.

*** On the way back, the group notices a "Svobodovsky" patrol. Stalkers report that Svoboda takes part of the artifacts mined on its territory as a tax. Trying to bypass the patrol, the group runs into a pack of dangerous mutants. The patrol comes to the rescue, and, after destroying the mutants, asks for the artifacts due. Regardless of the outcome of the communication, the necessary artifact remains with the group.

*** Upon returning, the stalkers find out that one of their group is lying unconscious in a serious condition in the local infirmary. Upon arriving at the infirmary, the player discovers that the patient is the same stalker who led him through the perimeter. The doctor in the infirmary reports that he does not have the necessary medicines. The stalkers of the group agree on who will try to get medicines where. They ask the player to go to the supplier of the "Debt", taking the extracted artifact as payment – the merchant's order will wait.

*** The player finds a supplier on the way to the base of the "Debt". His car went into a ditch after a bloodsucker got under the wheels. The supplier is sitting on the roof of the car and how much light covers the other two bloodsuckers roaming around the car – the supplier's weapon and PDA remained inside. The player kills the bloodsuckers and tells the supplier that there is a case. The supplier comments: "We'll talk at the base."

*** The supplier hands the player a box from the car, takes another one and leads him through the checkpoint of "Duty". The commander of the checkpoint asks to see what is in the boxes, and, seeing the medicines there, asks if these are not "Svoboda" fucking drugs. The supplier assures that no – the drugs are normal, God forbid they will put the sick "dolgovites" on their feet. The player and the "debtor" enter the territory of the base and head to the warehouse. At the warehouse, the supplier asks what the player is doing. Upon learning that he needs medicines, the supplier opens the second bottom of the box that the player was carrying, takes out the "Svoboda" drugs from there, comments that "it is better to hide medicines among medicines" and gives a part to the player "from the bounty."

*** The player brings medicines to the infirmary, the doctor injects them to the patient, he gets better. The doctor says that in a couple of days the stalker will get back on his feet.

*** The player is contacted by a cured stalker who has already got back on his feet. He offers the player a drink at his expense at the 100 X-ray bar. While drinking, he introduces the player to the Bartender, assures him of the player's innocence and tells about the death of the Shooter, again recalling the activation of the artifact. The bartender assumes that the artifact was somehow activated remotely. According to the description of the effect, he determines the type of artifact and says that such powerful artifacts are very rare. The player says that he has such an artifact, which he recently obtained for a merchant. The bartender offers to talk to this merchant and gives his coordinates.

*** The player finds a merchant at a Flea Market. Under pressure from the Bartender, who suspects the merchant of involvement in the murder of the Shooter, the merchant says that two such artifacts have passed through his hands over the past six months. Surprisingly, a technician bought the first one from him, and he also ordered the second one, the one that the player brought.

*** The player is intercepted along the way by bounty hunters with the same person at the head. The player tries to fight, but he is covered with visions, and he is forced to retreat.

*** The player goes to the technician, who immediately splits. He says that the official stalker ordered him a container with the ability to remotely activate a certain artifact. The stalker claimed that he needed the container to safely study the activation effect. At that moment, the technician did not see anything suspicious in the order. When the rumors of the Shooter's death reached him, he could do nothing, fearing for his life. Meanwhile, the same person ordered a second such container. The technician requested a set of tools as a payment, hoping that the customer would not be able to get it, nevertheless, he agreed. The customer should arrive soon for a new device.

*** The player uses a technician to ambush the customer. The technician lays the finished device not far from his house. The customer arrives with a group of mercenaries – they turn out to be a man who tried to kill the player twice. The player activates the device and continues the fight against the background of a gravitational anomaly that has arisen, dragging opponents into itself. After the battle, the technician finds the requested set of tools on the customer's body, and points the player to the inventory number of the NIICHAZ engraved on the side of the box.

*** The player brings a set of tools to the Bartender. He contacts someone on the PDA and informs them that the tools, according to the documents, were taken from the warehouse of NIICHAZ by the head of the security of the town. The bartender says that he has a person who can help the player clear himself of the charge – he will come soon. The bartender takes the player to a separate room.

*** Soon, a stalker enters the room, greeting the Bartender and the player. The bartender hands the stalker the tools, he examines them, nods and says that it will take him several days to clear the player of the charge. He recommends that the player return to NIICHAZ. To do this, you will need to join one of the official groups going to the science campus. He gives the coordinates of such a group and promises to warn them about the arrival of the player. If the player asks who this stalker is, he looks around, shows the player his ID and is called Colonel Degtyarev, an observer from the SBU in the Zone.

*** The player joins a group of scientists and official stalkers and boards a bus with them. Halfway to the perimeter, the group is intercepted by a squad of mercenaries. The player is forced to fight without leaving the bus. When a player destroys all opponents, he is covered with particularly strong visions. He's losing consciousness.

Meeting with Doctor.


*** The player is revived by the Doctor at home. He says that he was looking for the player as the last one who communicated with the Shooter. According to the Doctor, a secret project related to the laboratory in the Zone was being carried out at NIICHAZ. The shooter was trying to figure out the details, which is why he was killed. The player passes the package to the Doctor. Inside there is a certificate of a NIICHAZ employee. The doctor says that with this certificate it is possible to enter the laboratory, and gives its coordinates. If the player asks about the visions, the Doctor says that it is the voice of the Zone. She had also summoned him oplayer is revived by the Doctor at home. He says that he was looking for the player as the last one who communicated with the Shooter. According to the Doctor, a secret project related to the laboratory in the Zone was being carried out at NIICHAZ. The shooter was trying to figure out the details, which is why he was killed. The player passes the package to the Doctor. Inside there is a certificate of a NIICHAZ employee. The doctor says that with this certificate it is possible to enter the laboratory, and gives its coordinates. If the player asks about the visions, the Doctor says that it is the voice of the Zone. She had also summoned him once. The zone asks the player to find the place he sees in his dreams.

Entering a laboratory.


*** Under the guise of an observer from NIICHAZ, the player enters the laboratory. One of its employees demonstrates the research complex to the player, and expresses the hope that NIICHAZ will be able to complete the creation of the nodes of the installation under construction faster. Passing through the laboratory, the player sees the head of security. He tries to remember how the player's face is familiar to him, but he is distracted. A laboratory employee brings the player to the far side of the complex and hands himUnder the guise of an observer from NIICHAZ, the player enters the laboratory. One of its employees demonstrates the research complex to the player, and expresses the hope that NIICHAZ will be able to complet the creation of the nodes of the installation under construction faster. Passing through the laboratory, the player sees the head of security. He tries to remember how the player's face is familiar to him, but he is distracted. A laboratory employee brings the player to the far side of the complex and hands him the documentation, which the "representative of NIICHAZ" should familiarize himself with at his leisure.

*** At the moment of handing over the documentation, the head of security raises the alarm, informing that the player is not who he pretends to be. The player is forced to fight his way out of the laboratory.

*** The documents contain information about a conspiracy between the top of Svoboda, people from NIICHAZ, some scientists and the military. The Player, at the request of the Doctor, passes the documents to the Bartender, who distributes this information among stalkers.

*** The old leader of Svoboda disappears along with several loyal people. A new leader takes his place. He contacts the Bartender and asks to whitewash "Freedom" in the eyes old leader of Svoboda disappears along with several loyal people. A new leader takes his place. He contacts the Bartender and ass to whitewash "Freedom" of stalkers: according to him, the "svobodovtsy" were unaware of the conspiracy, having been deceived by the old leader. In return, he offers information found in the documents of the old leader.

The leader of the "Debt" also contacts the Bartender. His men entered the pharmacists' laboratory, having received some information about their plans, but the "Debt" lacks information from the documents that the player handed over to the Bartender. In exchange, the leader of the "Debt" offers his part of the information.

*** The bartender gathers the leaders of the factions to negotiate on neutral territory. The player and the Doctor are also present there. Those present exchange information, receiving fairly complete information about the installation, which should enhance the flow of energy of the noosphere. This will increase the flow of artifacts, the sale of which has long been established by the conspirators.

Destroy or not destroy?.


*** The doctor suggests destroying the installation – he considers it unacceptable to influence the Zone, since, in his opinion, it is a living organism with its fragile interconnections.

The leader of the "Debt" suggests that the installation can be used, if not for destruction, then for a significant weakening of the Zone: "The world will be freed from the threat of the Zone."

The leader of Svoboda believes that the installation should be used for its intended purpose, but the artifacts should belong to everyone. According to him, the Zone is unique, and should be used for the benefit of humanity, and not for the enrichment of several people: "There is no need to be afraid of the unknown."

The bartender says that there are a lot of people in the Zone who did not find a place on the Mainland. The zone as it is is their last refuge. If the installation changes the Zone, these people, including the Bartender, will have nowhere to go. In addition, he reminds those present that it is useless to decide yet – no one has the coordinates of the installation. Everyone present agrees to start searching for an installation.

*** The player returns to the Doctor. His house is being attacked by fighters led by the old leader of Svoboda. When the player destroys some of the opponents, the rest begin to retreat. Along the way, groups of fighters separate from the main squad to detain the player. In the end, the head of security is left alone. The player either wounds the old leader himself or is stopped by the Doctor's dog. The player interrogates the wounded man and learns the coordinates of the installation.

*** The player resets the coordinates of the installation to the "big council". The player is joined by his squad, the core of which is the stalkers who helped at the beginning of the story, plus the people of the factions that the player helped during the game.

*** The player gets to the area near the installation and recognizes it as the place that haunted him in his visions. He makes his way to the installation through the militants, who are commanded by the former head of security of NIICHAZ. On the spot, the player chooses what he will do with the installation. Part of the squad does not agree with his decision. The player, along with the others, implements the selected option.

Stalker 2 2011 information and setting.

The events of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.2 (S2) unfold in 2015, three years after the end of the events of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl (Soul). The main character is a retired former stalker, but disturbing dreams about the Zone make him come back – not out of greed, but out of a desire to understand the causes of his dreams.

The game is being created using the new X-Ray 2.0 technology.

Platforms: PC, XBox 360, maybe PS3.

S2 refers to post-apocalyptic first-person shooters (FPS) with strong storytelling and role-playing game (RPG) elements.

The game is aimed at an audience from 14 to 40 years old. Modern graphics quality will attract those who are primarily interested in the visual component, a strong plot and a rich game world, as well as increased replayability will attract a large category of players, from those who are looking for a game for a couple of evenings, to hardcore players and fans of the stalker series who want to explore the Zone again and again.

The main features of the game.

Key features of the game (USP):

A unique game universe based on the widely known event of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident.

The well-known and successful brand S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

High reliability of the game world, recreated from real prototypes of the Sarcophagus of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, Chernobyl, the Duga radar station.

A unique gameplay that organically combines a dynamic first-person shooter, stealth and role-playing component.

A new multifaceted storyline. A large number of non-linear secondary tasks. The opportunity to assemble and lead your own group of stalkers.

Strong AI that makes every fight with an opponent unique and memorable. The new X-Ray 2.0 technology, which supports all modern graphic effects. Support for seamless world technology.

Powerful community support through built-in support for custom modifications.

Multiplayer for 32 people.

The plot is designed for ~ 10 hours of passage.

It will take ~30 hours to complete all the side missions and complete the exploration of the game.