How to install Docker on Linux to run virtual containers.

To install Docker on Ubuntu, we need to be able to add a custom repository. This is the command required. 4.4 Mon Dec 23 jason@Yog-Sothoth 0: $ sudo add-apt-repository \ "deb [arch=amd64] \ $(lsb_release -cs) stable"4.4 Mon Dec 23 jason@Yog-Sothoth 0: $ sudo add-apt-repository \ "deb [arch=amd64] \…

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How to list the 20 most recently modified files and other bash tricks.

This command will list 20 of the most recently modified files in a directory. jason@Yog-Sothoth:~/Documents$ ls -thor | head -n 20 total 3.9G -rwxrwxrwx 1 jason 219K Mar 20 2008 northwind.sql -rw——- 1 jason 2.2M Jan 21 2009 ubuntupocketguide-v1-1.pdf -rwxrwxrwx 1 jason 1.9K Apr 28 2011 randimg.c -rw-r–rw- 1 jason…

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Scanning a Linux system for vulnerabilities can be a lot of fun.

Scanning a Linux system for vulnerabilities can be a lot of fun. I have used Nessus to find SSH vulnerabilities like Heartbleed. I was doing penetration testing on a Linux machine and I found a Heartbleed bug. Vulnerability Explanation: The installation of OpenSSL on the Linux webserver was found to…

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Spice up your Linux desktop for christmas.

To get a nice Christmas themed Linux desktop, install xsnow. jason@jason-virtual-machine:~$ sudo apt install xsnowjason@jason-virtual-machine:~$ sudo apt install xsnow Then run it in a terminal to make your desktop snow. jason@jason-virtual-machine:~$ xsnow & exitjason@jason-virtual-machine:~$ xsnow & exit This is what it will look like. It even has a nice snow…

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Ubuntu 20.04 is out, give this new distro a try now.

The new release of Ubuntu, 20.04 is out now. This is all new and comes with a very nice wallpaper. The awesome selection of ubuntu wallpapers in Ubuntu 20.04. These are very nice. After installation, make sure to run this command to update package repositories. sudo apt upgradesudo apt upgrade…

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How to download only the audio from a Youtube video.

It is possible to download just the audio from a Youtube video. This is very easy. Use youtube-dl to view information about the Youtube video and find the m4a audio track. 4.4 Sat Dec 07 jason@Yog-Sothoth 0: $ youtube-dl -F [youtube] JWPe9uh7FWU: Downloading webpage [youtube] JWPe9uh7FWU: Downloading video info…

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How to install and start SSH on Kali Linux 2019

Installing and setting up SSH on Kali Linux 2019 is very easy. This enables an SSH connection from Bitvise SSH Client into a VMWare instance of Kali Linux. Firstly, install the SSH service. root@kali:~# apt install sshroot@kali:~# apt install ssh Then, once it is installed, start the SSH service on…

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Social Network movie showed KDE 2.2 desktop and Linux OS.

The Social Network movie featured a KDE 2.2 desktop and a nice Linux Konsole command line terminal. He is listing connections by viewing a log file with the watch utility. This also shows the Emacs text editor to edit the PHP code for his little project. This is a very…

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Very useful Linux configurations for setting up a desktop.

IceWM configuration fileUseful Linux CommandsVery Verbose ps commandBlackbox ThemeGNU/Linux CD Burning: (Updated! for Debian Linux 6.0.)CD Burning with BraseroWriting Ghost Images to CD IceWM configuration file My ICEWM preferences file. from $HOME/.icewm/preferences. This file has a nice friendly time format and a good Win95 styled theme. This IceWM configuration file…

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Useful scripts for Arch Linux users.

This script will check for updates on an Arch Linux machine. This could be run as a daemon with CRON. #!/bin/bash export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=unix:path=/run/user/1000/bus DISPLAY=:0 tmpdb=/tmp/checkup-db dbpath=/var/lib/pacman mkdir /tmp/checkup-db && ln -s "${dbpath}/local" "${tmpdb}" fakeroot — yay -Syyb "${tmpdb}" –logfile /dev/null updates="$(yay -Qub "${tmpdb}" 2>/dev/null)" [[ -n "$updates" ]] && notify-send…

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Convert a MIDI file to OGG in the best quality possible.

To convert a MIDI file to OGG on Linux, use the LMMS music-making application. Import a MIDI file by opening the Import menu. This is the Project->Import menu option. Then export the MIDI file to an OGG format file with default settings. This will create a very high-quality rendering of…

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How to best tag your music collection on Linux.

The best way to tag your music collection on Linux is with MusicBrainz Picard. This is an automatic music tagging program that will lookup music on the MusicBrainz website using acoustic matching and then automatically tag the tracks and save the processed files into a folder you specify. This works…

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How to install a program from a tar.gz file on Linux easily.

I am needing to install Emacs on my computer and I have decided to install from source. This is easy on Linux, I had to ensure I had the latest build of Emacs. Then I could compile the source code. Download the source here: Firstly, extract the source to…

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