How to easily install Teamspeak on Linux.

Installing Teamspeak allows easy voice and text communication over a TCP/IP network. This is easy to install. Download Teamspeak 64-bit client from this page: Then run it like this to install. ┌──[[email protected]]─[~/Downloads] └──╼ ╼ $ bash ./ Welcome to the TeamSpeak 3 Client for Linux on amd64 installer  …

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How to get an excerpt from a video with FFmpeg.

Extracting an excerpt from a video is very useful, this is how to do it. The command below extracts an excerpt from a video at 00:00:05 to 00:00:15. This is scaled to 640×360 pixels and is good quality. ┌──[[email protected]]─[~/Videos] └──╼ ╼ $ ffmpeg -v 1 -i agropromfun.mp4 -ss 00:00:05 -to…

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Create a nice spectrum display of an audio file. This is very easy to do.

Creating a very nice spectrum display of an audio file is very simple to do. The FFmpeg utility is the best way to generate such a useful audio waveform demonstration. This command will generate a 2560×1080 resolution waveform display of the file underground_01.ogg ffplay -f lavfi ‘amovie=undergrnd_01.ogg, asplit [a][out1]; [a]…

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Arch Linux developer stepping down and a new installer for Arch Linux.

The Arch Linux distribution developer Bartłomiej Piotrowski has stepped down as a developer for the venerable Linux distribution. This is after 10 years of service maintaining this Linux distribution. But nothing lasts forever and he did very good work maintaining the distro. In other news, the Arch Linux distribution is…

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Alternative ways of using the bash shell on Linux.

There are many ways to use the bash shell on Linux. It has different key binding options and the ability to navigate to a directory by typing the name alone. set -o vi bind -m vi-insert "\C-l":clear-screenset -o vi bind -m vi-insert "\C-l":clear-screen This will enable VIM styled keybindings for…

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Very useful Linux tips for getting information on current logins.

There are many ways to get detailed information on known users on your Linux system. The lslogins command is therefore very useful for listing all usable login accounts. The below example will list all user accounts including the root account. This might be disabled on an Ubuntu system, but it…

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Some very useful Linux bash functions.

Show a preview of a directory as you cd into it. c() { cd "$@" ls_truncate=20 files=$(ls -F -C –color=always) files_num=$(echo "$files" | wc -l) echo "$files" | head -n $ls_truncate [ $(echo "$files" | wc -l) -gt "$ls_truncate" ] && echo "(Ommited $((files_num-$ls_truncate)) files/directories)" }c() { cd "$@" ls_truncate=20…

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Very useful Linux tips and tricks.

This command will capture a screenshot of the desktop and save it to the home directory. jason@neo:~$ import -window root "$HOME/$(date ‘+%y%m%d_%T’).png"jason@neo:~$ import -window root "$HOME/$(date ‘+%y%m%d_%T’).png" This is how to do this with the scrot utility. jason@neo:~$ scrot Desktop-%H:%M:%S-%d-%m.jpgjason@neo:~$ scrot Desktop-%H:%M:%S-%d-%m.jpg Characters preceded by a ‘%’ are interpreted by…

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Good ways to find files in your home directory.

Finding files in your home directory is very easy. The command below will search inside all files in your home directory and find all files that contain the text “linux”. find . -type f -exec grep -niH linux ‘{}’ ‘;’find . -type f -exec grep -niH linux ‘{}’ ‘;’ This…

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Setting up an SSH server is very easy.

The Secure Shell, or SSH, provides a way of running command line and graphical applications, and transferring files, over an encrypted connection. SSH uses up to 2,048-bit encryption with a variety of cryptographic schemes to make sure that if a cracker intercepts your connection, all they can see is useless…

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How to have a retro looking terminal on your Linux desktop.

To get a retro terminal for Linux that looks like an Apple II using an RF adapter to connect to a TV, use this command. This uses the xscreensaver hacks to provide a nice alternative to the boring mate terminal and Xterm. Install /usr/lib/xscreensaver/apple2 -text -fast -program /bin/bash/usr/lib/xscreensaver/apple2 -text -fast…

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