How to install Gzdoom on Ubuntu and play Russian Overkill easily.

Installing Gzdoom on Linux allows playing Hexen format maps and cool mods on Linux. Installing via Snap was not appealing to me so I downloaded the deb package from the website instead. ┌──[[email protected]]─[~] └──╼ ╼ $ wget┌──[[email protected]]─[~] └──╼ ╼ $ wget Then I could install the deb package…

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Miscellaneous programming tricks with C.

This is a very simple Hello World program in C. int main() { write(1, "Hello World\n", 14); }int main() { write(1, "Hello World\n", 14); } Counting how long a text string is. #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #define MSG "Hello Doctor, let’s get back to the TARDIS!" int main() { int…

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Working with permissions on a Linux system.

When you list directories in long format (the -l switch), you’ll be presented with a long list of information. What does it all mean? The first column on the far left represents permissions. The first character is a marker to define what the object is. For example, ‘-’ for a…

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Pipewire audio system to take over from Pulseaudio and Jack.

The pipe wire system is a new audio system that is taking over from Pulseaudio in Fedora 34. This is also in Ubuntu 21.04. This is a superior audio system and also replaces the Jack audio system. I hope this is a low latency system and gives better performance. Pulseaudio…

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The Linux community.

Why you should contribute Linux has evolved, and continues to evolve, under the open-source philosophy of the free sharing of ideas. If not for this massive, shared, open community environment, Linux — and much of the open-source software that runs the Internet — wouldn’t be here. It’s a testament to…

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How the bash shell works in Linux.

If you’ve ever piped the output of one command into the input of the other or joined simple commands together to do complex tasks, then you have a taste for the power of the shell. As you use the shell more and more you’ll discover how powerful it is and…

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Very useful and obscure computing tips.

A disturbing amount of people do not know you can reopen your last tab in the Firefox browser with Control+Shift+T. If you use Windows you can drag and snap windows so you can work on stuff side by side. Apparently, pressing F5 on notepad.exe adds a timestamp to the current…

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How to log CPU usage over a period of time on Linux.

Logging CPU usage over a certain period of time is very easy. The command below will print 24 lines of CPU statistics, printing a line every 4 seconds. ┌──[[email protected]]─[~] └──╼ ╼ $ sar -u 4 24 –human Linux 5.8.0-41-generic (jason-desktop) 12/04/21 _x86_64_ (4 CPU)   09:05:33 CPU %user %nice %system…

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A very nice upcoming window manager for Linux. PrismWM.

PrismWM is a very nice window manager for Linux and UNIX. This looks just like the very old Macintosh desktop. I cannot wait to try this out. This would make a very good Ubuntu respin with a pretend Macintosh Classic desktop environment. I always wanted a nice Macintosh Classic desktop…

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How the bash shell works in Linux.

If you’ve ever piped the output of one command into the input of the other or joined simple commands together to do complex tasks, then you have a taste for the power of the shell. As you use the shell more and more you’ll discover how powerful it is and…

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How do programs run on Linux?

Ever wondered what happens when you run a program? Ever downloaded software from the Net that didn’t work, even though it may have compiled and installed correctly? If the answer to either of these questions is yes, you probably want to know more about how Linux runs programs. Even if…

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Working with file permissions on Linux.

When a user runs a program on Linux, the program runs with the same permissions as that user account. For example, if user Joe doesn’t have permission to modify the files in /etc, any program that Joe runs won’t have permission either. There’s an exception to every rule. Files that…

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How to save a Youtube playlist as mp3 files with Linux.

Saving a Youtube playlist as mp3 files is easy with Linux. The youtube-dl script is capable of handling this easily. You need to specify the playlist ID instead of the whole URL. Below is an example, this shows how easy it is to save a bunch of videos as mp3…

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One annoying feature in modern Ubuntu distributions.

The only annoying feature in the modern Ubuntu release is the automatic updates, this blocks me when I want to install a package as the package lock is held by the updater. I wish it would pop up a notification or even a small progress bar on the panel in…

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