NeXTSTEP source code.
NeXTSTEP source code dump.
Instance Methods | Class Methods | Protected Attributes | List of all members
Object Class Reference

#import <Object.h>

Inheritance diagram for Object:
About About Alert BTree BTreeCursor BTreeFile BTreeStore Bitmap Bitmap Cell Conductor ConductorDelegate Contents Contents CustomObject Daemon Dictionary DocInfo Envelope Find Find Font Font FontFace FontFamily FontFile FontManager FontString FontStringList GrowAlert HashTable Instrument List Listener MenuTemplate MenuTemplateCallee Midi NXColorCustom NXCursor NXImage NXImageRep NXJournaler NXRulerToken NXSpellChecker NXTabStopList NXUniqueTabs NXXYShow NibData Note NoteReceiver NoteSender Orchestra PSDevice PSMatrix PageLayoutExtraMethods Part Pasteboard PatchTemplate Performer PerformerDelegate PortDelegates PrintInfo PrintJob PrintSpooler Responder RtfFile RtfFile Score ScorePerformer ScoreRecorder Sound SoundDelegate SoundViewDelegate Speaker SpellServer Storage SynthData SynthPatch TuningSystem UnitGenerator UserInfo WaveTable WindowTemplate _ParName _ScorefileVar _SharedSynthInfo musickitprivatemsgs scorefileObject

Instance Methods

(id- init
(id- free
(id- copy
(id- copyFromZone:
(NXZone *) - zone
(id- class
(id- superClass
(const char *) - name
(id- self
(unsigned int- hash
(BOOL- isEqual:
(BOOL- isKindOf:
(BOOL- isMemberOf:
(BOOL- isKindOfGivenName:
(BOOL- isMemberOfGivenName:
(BOOL- respondsTo:
(IMP- methodFor:
(id- perform:
(id- perform:with:
(id- perform:with:with:
(id- subclassResponsibility:
(id- notImplemented:
(id- doesNotRecognize:
(id- error:
(id- awake
(id- write:
(id- read:
(id- forward:sel:
(id- performv:sel:
(id- appWillInit:
(id- appDidInit:
(id- appDidHide:
(id- appDidUnhide:
(id- appDidBecomeActive:
(id- appDidResignActive:
(id- appDidUpdate:
(id- appWillUpdate:
(id- appWillTerminate:
(BOOL- appAcceptsAnotherFile:
(int- app:openFile:type:
(int- app:openTempFile:type:
(id- app:powerOffIn:andSave:
(int- app:unmounting:
(id- applicationDefined:
(id- powerOff:
(id- startArchiving:
(id- finishUnarchiving
(int- browser:getNumRowsInColumn:
(int- browser:fillMatrix:inColumn:
(id- browser:loadCell:atRow:inColumn:
(const char *) - browser:titleOfColumn:
(BOOL- browser:selectCell:inColumn:
(BOOL- browser:columnIsValid:
(id- browserWillScroll:
(id- browserDidScroll:
(id- perform:with:afterDelay:cancelPrevious:
(NXImage *) - imageDidNotDraw:inRect:
(id- splitView:resizeSubviews:
(id- splitView:getMinY:maxY:ofSubviewAt:
(id- splitViewDidResizeSubviews:
(id- pasteboard:provideData:
(BOOL- panelValidateFilenames:
(BOOL- panel:filterFile:inDirectory:
(BOOL- shouldRunPrintPanel:
(BOOL- writeSelectionToPasteboard:types:
(id- readSelectionFromPasteboard:
(int- play
(int- stop
(id- highlight:inView:lit:
(id- drawSelf:inView:
(BOOL- trackMouse:inRect:ofView:
(id- calcCellSize:
(id- readRichText:forView:
(id- writeRichText:forView:
(id- textWillResize:
(id- textDidResize:oldBounds:invalid:
(BOOL- textWillChange:
(id- textDidChange:
(BOOL- textWillEnd:
(id- textDidEnd:endChar:
(id- textDidGetKeys:isEmpty:
(id- textWillSetSel:toFont:
(id- textWillConvert:fromFont:toFont:
(id- textWillWriteRichText:stream:forRun:atPosition:emitDefaultRichText:
(id- textWillReadRichText:stream:atPosition:
(id- textWillStartReadingRichText:
(id- textWillFinishReadingRichText:
(id- textWillWrite:paperSize:
(id- textDidRead:paperSize:
(id- windowWillClose:
(id- windowWillReturnFieldEditor:toObject:
(id- windowWillResize:toSize:
(id- windowDidResize:
(id- windowDidExpose:
(id- windowDidMove:
(id- windowDidBecomeKey:
(id- windowDidResignKey:
(id- windowDidBecomeMain:
(id- windowDidResignMain:
(id- windowWillMiniaturize:toMiniwindow:
(id- windowDidMiniaturize:
(id- windowDidDeminiaturize:
(id- windowDidUpdate:
(id- windowDidChangeScreen:

Class Methods

(id+ initialize
(id+ new
(id+ free
(id+ alloc
(id+ allocFromZone:
(id+ class
(id+ superClass
(BOOL+ instancesRespondTo:
(IMP+ instanceMethodFor:
(id+ poseAs:
(int+ version
(id+ setVersion:
(id+ finishLoading:
(id+ startUnloading

Protected Attributes

Class isa

Method Documentation

◆ alloc

+ (id) alloc

◆ allocFromZone:

+ (id) allocFromZone: (NXZone *)  zone

◆ app:openFile:type:

- (int) app: (id sender
openFile: (const char *)  filename
type: (const char *)  aType 

Provided by category Object(ApplicationDelegate).

◆ app:openTempFile:type:

- (int) app: (id sender
openTempFile: (const char *)  filename
type: (const char *)  aType 

Provided by category Object(ApplicationDelegate).

◆ app:powerOffIn:andSave:

- (id) app: (id sender
powerOffIn: (int ms
andSave: (int aFlag 

Provided by category Object(ApplicationDelegate).

◆ app:unmounting:

- (int) app: (id sender
unmounting: (const char *)  fullPath 

Provided by category Object(ApplicationDelegate).

◆ appAcceptsAnotherFile:

- (BOOL) appAcceptsAnotherFile: (id sender

Provided by category Object(ApplicationDelegate).

◆ appDidBecomeActive:

- (id) appDidBecomeActive: (id sender

Provided by category Object(ApplicationDelegate).

◆ appDidHide:

- (id) appDidHide: (id sender

Provided by category Object(ApplicationDelegate).

◆ appDidInit:

- (id) appDidInit: (id sender

Provided by category Object(ApplicationDelegate).

◆ appDidResignActive:

- (id) appDidResignActive: (id sender

Provided by category Object(ApplicationDelegate).

◆ appDidUnhide:

- (id) appDidUnhide: (id sender

Provided by category Object(ApplicationDelegate).

◆ appDidUpdate:

- (id) appDidUpdate: (id sender

Provided by category Object(ApplicationDelegate).

◆ applicationDefined:

- (id) applicationDefined: (NXEvent *)  theEvent

Reimplemented in Application.

Provided by category Object(ApplicationDelegate).

◆ appWillInit:

- (id) appWillInit: (id sender

Provided by category Object(ApplicationDelegate).

◆ appWillTerminate:

- (id) appWillTerminate: (id sender

Provided by category Object(ApplicationDelegate).

◆ appWillUpdate:

- (id) appWillUpdate: (id sender

Provided by category Object(ApplicationDelegate).

◆ awake

- (id) awake

◆ browser:columnIsValid:

- (BOOL) browser: (id sender
columnIsValid: (int column 

Provided by category Object(BrowserDelegate).

◆ browser:fillMatrix:inColumn:

- (int) browser: (id sender
fillMatrix: (id matrix
inColumn: (int column 

Reimplemented in NXColorCustom.

Provided by category Object(BrowserDelegate).

◆ browser:getNumRowsInColumn:

- (int) browser: (id sender
getNumRowsInColumn: (int column 

Provided by category Object(BrowserDelegate).

◆ browser:loadCell:atRow:inColumn:

- (id) browser: (id sender
loadCell: (id cell
atRow: (int row
inColumn: (int column 

Provided by category Object(BrowserDelegate).

◆ browser:selectCell:inColumn:

- (BOOL) browser: (id sender
selectCell: (const char *)  title
inColumn: (int column 

Provided by category Object(BrowserDelegate).

◆ browser:titleOfColumn:

- (const char *) browser: (id sender
titleOfColumn: (int column 

Provided by category Object(BrowserDelegate).

◆ browserDidScroll:

- (id) browserDidScroll: (id sender

Provided by category Object(BrowserDelegate).

◆ browserWillScroll:

- (id) browserWillScroll: (id sender

Provided by category Object(BrowserDelegate).

◆ calcCellSize:

- (id) calcCellSize: (NXSize *)  theSize

Reimplemented in Cell.

Provided by category Object(TextCell).

◆ class [1/2]

+ (id) class

◆ class [2/2]

- (id) class

◆ copy

- (id) copy

◆ copyFromZone:

- (id) copyFromZone: (NXZone *)  zone

◆ doesNotRecognize:

- (id) doesNotRecognize: (SEL aSelector

◆ drawSelf:inView:

- (id) drawSelf: (const NXRect *)  cellFrame
inView: (id controlView 

◆ error:

- (id) error: (STR aString
,   ... 

◆ finishLoading:

+ (id) finishLoading: (struct mach_header *)  header

Provided by category Object(DynamicLoading).

◆ finishUnarchiving

- (id) finishUnarchiving

Reimplemented in Bitmap, NXImage, FontManager, Font, Sound, Conductor, and Font.

Provided by category Object(Archiving).

◆ forward:sel:

- (id) forward: (SEL
sel: (marg_list args 

◆ free [1/2]

- (id) free

◆ free [2/2]

+ (id) free

◆ hash

- (unsigned) hash

Reimplemented in SynthPatch.

◆ highlight:inView:lit:

- (id) highlight: (const NXRect *)  cellFrame
inView: (id controlView
lit: (BOOL flag 

Reimplemented in NXBrowserCell, TaggedCell, SelectionCell, ColumnCell, Cell, and ButtonCell.

Provided by category Object(TextCell).

◆ imageDidNotDraw:inRect:

- (NXImage *) imageDidNotDraw: (id sender
inRect: (const NXRect *)  aRect 

Provided by category Object(NXImageDelegate).

◆ init

- (id) init

◆ initialize

+ (id) initialize

◆ instanceMethodFor:

+ (IMP) instanceMethodFor: (SEL aSelector

◆ instancesRespondTo:

+ (BOOL) instancesRespondTo: (SEL aSelector

◆ isEqual:

- (BOOL) isEqual: (id anObject

Reimplemented in Storage, List, and SynthPatch.

◆ isKindOf:

- (BOOL) isKindOf: (id aClassObject

◆ isKindOfGivenName:

- (BOOL) isKindOfGivenName: (STR aClassName

◆ isMemberOf:

- (BOOL) isMemberOf: (id aClassObject

◆ isMemberOfGivenName:

- (BOOL) isMemberOfGivenName: (STR aClassName

◆ methodFor:

- (IMP) methodFor: (SEL aSelector

◆ name

- (const char *) name

Reimplemented in Pasteboard, Bitmap, NXImage, Font, Sound, _ScorefileVar, and Font.

◆ new

+ (id) new

◆ notImplemented:

- (id) notImplemented: (SEL aSelector

◆ panel:filterFile:inDirectory:

- (BOOL) panel: (id sender
filterFile: (const char *)  filename
inDirectory: (const char *)  directory 

Provided by category Object(SavePanelDelegate).

◆ panelValidateFilenames:

- (BOOL) panelValidateFilenames: (id sender

Provided by category Object(SavePanelDelegate).

◆ pasteboard:provideData:

- (id) pasteboard: (id sender
provideData: (NXAtom type 

Provided by category Object(PasteboardOwner).

◆ perform:

- (id) perform: (SEL aSelector

◆ perform:with:

- (id) perform: (SEL aSelector
with: (id anObject 

◆ perform:with:afterDelay:cancelPrevious:

- (id) perform: (SEL aSelector
with: (id anArg
afterDelay: (int ms
cancelPrevious: (BOOL flag 

Provided by category Object(DelayedPerform).

◆ perform:with:with:

- (id) perform: (SEL aSelector
with: (id object1
with: (id object2 

◆ performv:sel:

- (id) performv: (SEL
sel: (marg_list args 

◆ play

- (int) play

Reimplemented in Sound.

Provided by category Object(SoundKitMethods).

◆ poseAs:

+ (id) poseAs: (id aClassObject

◆ powerOff:

- (id) powerOff: (NXEvent *)  theEvent

Reimplemented in Application.

Provided by category Object(ApplicationDelegate).

◆ read:

- (id) read: (NXTypedStream *)  stream

◆ readRichText:forView:

- (id) readRichText: (NXStream *)  stream
forView: (id view 

Reimplemented in NXViewFrameCell.

Provided by category Object(TextCell).

◆ readSelectionFromPasteboard:

- (id) readSelectionFromPasteboard: (id pboard

Reimplemented in Text.

Provided by category Object(ServicesMenuResponders).

◆ respondsTo:

- (BOOL) respondsTo: (SEL aSelector

◆ self

- (id) self

◆ setVersion:

+ (id) setVersion: (int aVersion

◆ shouldRunPrintPanel:

- (BOOL) shouldRunPrintPanel: (id aView

Provided by category Object(SenderOfPrintPSCode).

◆ splitView:getMinY:maxY:ofSubviewAt:

- (id) splitView: (id sender
getMinY: (NXCoord *)  minY
maxY: (NXCoord *)  maxY
ofSubviewAt: (int offset 

Provided by category Object(NXSplitViewDelegate).

◆ splitView:resizeSubviews:

- (id) splitView: (id sender
resizeSubviews: (const NXSize *)  oldSize 

Provided by category Object(NXSplitViewDelegate).

◆ splitViewDidResizeSubviews:

- (id) splitViewDidResizeSubviews: (id sender

Provided by category Object(NXSplitViewDelegate).

◆ startArchiving:

- (id) startArchiving: (NXTypedStream *)  stream

Provided by category Object(Archiving).

◆ startUnloading

+ (id) startUnloading

Provided by category Object(DynamicLoading).

◆ stop

- (int) stop

Reimplemented in Sound, Orchestra, Orchestra, and Midi.

Provided by category Object(SoundKitMethods).

◆ subclassResponsibility:

- (id) subclassResponsibility: (SEL aSelector

◆ superClass [1/2]

+ (id) superClass

◆ superClass [2/2]

- (id) superClass

◆ textDidChange:

- (id) textDidChange: (id textObject

Reimplemented in TextField, and Matrix.

Provided by category Object(TextDelegate).

◆ textDidEnd:endChar:

- (id) textDidEnd: (id textObject
endChar: (unsigned short)  whyEnd 

Reimplemented in TextField, Matrix, PageLayout, SavePanel, and FontPanel.

Provided by category Object(TextDelegate).

◆ textDidGetKeys:isEmpty:

- (id) textDidGetKeys: (id textObject
isEmpty: (BOOL flag 

Reimplemented in TextField, SavePanel, NXFaxPanel, Matrix, and FontPanel.

Provided by category Object(TextDelegate).

◆ textDidRead:paperSize:

- (id) textDidRead: (id textObject
paperSize: (NXSize *)  paperSize 

Provided by category Object(TextDelegate).

◆ textDidResize:oldBounds:invalid:

- (id) textDidResize: (id textObject
oldBounds: (const NXRect *)  oldBounds
invalid: (NXRect *)  invalidRect 

Reimplemented in NXFaxPanel.

Provided by category Object(TextDelegate).

◆ textWillChange:

- (BOOL) textWillChange: (id textObject

Reimplemented in TextField, PrintPanel, PageLayout, and Matrix.

Provided by category Object(TextDelegate).

◆ textWillConvert:fromFont:toFont:

- (id) textWillConvert: (id textObject
fromFont: (id from
toFont: (id to 

Provided by category Object(TextDelegate).

◆ textWillEnd:

- (BOOL) textWillEnd: (id textObject

Reimplemented in TextField, and Matrix.

Provided by category Object(TextDelegate).

◆ textWillFinishReadingRichText:

- (id) textWillFinishReadingRichText: (id textObject

Provided by category Object(TextDelegate).

◆ textWillReadRichText:stream:atPosition:

- (id) textWillReadRichText: (id textObject
stream: (NXStream *)  stream
atPosition: (int runPosition 

Provided by category Object(TextDelegate).

◆ textWillResize:

- (id) textWillResize: (id textObject

Provided by category Object(TextDelegate).

◆ textWillSetSel:toFont:

- (id) textWillSetSel: (id textObject
toFont: (id font 

Provided by category Object(TextDelegate).

◆ textWillStartReadingRichText:

- (id) textWillStartReadingRichText: (id textObject

Provided by category Object(TextDelegate).

◆ textWillWrite:paperSize:

- (id) textWillWrite: (id textObject
paperSize: (NXSize *)  paperSize 

Provided by category Object(TextDelegate).

◆ textWillWriteRichText:stream:forRun:atPosition:emitDefaultRichText:

- (id) textWillWriteRichText: (id textObject
stream: (NXStream *)  stream
forRun: (NXRun *)  run
atPosition: (int runPosition
emitDefaultRichText: (BOOL *)  writeDefaultRichText 

Provided by category Object(TextDelegate).

◆ trackMouse:inRect:ofView:

- (BOOL) trackMouse: (NXEvent *)  theEvent
inRect: (const NXRect *)  cellFrame
ofView: (id controlView 

Reimplemented in SliderCell, MenuCell, Cell, ButtonCell, TextFieldCell, and FormCell.

Provided by category Object(TextCell).

◆ version

+ (int) version

◆ windowDidBecomeKey:

- (id) windowDidBecomeKey: (id sender

Provided by category Object(WindowDelegate).

◆ windowDidBecomeMain:

- (id) windowDidBecomeMain: (id sender

Provided by category Object(WindowDelegate).

◆ windowDidChangeScreen:

- (id) windowDidChangeScreen: (id sender

Provided by category Object(WindowDelegate).

◆ windowDidDeminiaturize:

- (id) windowDidDeminiaturize: (id sender

Provided by category Object(WindowDelegate).

◆ windowDidExpose:

- (id) windowDidExpose: (id sender

Provided by category Object(WindowDelegate).

◆ windowDidMiniaturize:

- (id) windowDidMiniaturize: (id sender

Provided by category Object(WindowDelegate).

◆ windowDidMove:

- (id) windowDidMove: (id sender

Provided by category Object(WindowDelegate).

◆ windowDidResignKey:

- (id) windowDidResignKey: (id sender

Provided by category Object(WindowDelegate).

◆ windowDidResignMain:

- (id) windowDidResignMain: (id sender

Provided by category Object(WindowDelegate).

◆ windowDidResize:

- (id) windowDidResize: (id sender

Provided by category Object(WindowDelegate).

◆ windowDidUpdate:

- (id) windowDidUpdate: (id sender

Provided by category Object(WindowDelegate).

◆ windowWillClose:

- (id) windowWillClose: (id sender

Provided by category Object(WindowDelegate).

◆ windowWillMiniaturize:toMiniwindow:

- (id) windowWillMiniaturize: (id sender
toMiniwindow: (id miniwindow 

Provided by category Object(WindowDelegate).

◆ windowWillResize:toSize:

- (id) windowWillResize: (id sender
toSize: (NXSize *)  frameSize 

Reimplemented in FontPanel.

Provided by category Object(WindowDelegate).

◆ windowWillReturnFieldEditor:toObject:

- (id) windowWillReturnFieldEditor: (id sender
toObject: (id client 

Provided by category Object(WindowDelegate).

◆ write:

- (id) write: (NXTypedStream *)  stream

◆ writeRichText:forView:

- (id) writeRichText: (NXStream *)  stream
forView: (id view 

Reimplemented in NXViewFrameCell.

Provided by category Object(TextCell).

◆ writeSelectionToPasteboard:types:

- (BOOL) writeSelectionToPasteboard: (id pboard
types: (NXAtom *)  types 

Reimplemented in Text.

Provided by category Object(ServicesMenuResponders).

◆ zone

- (NXZone *) zone

Member Data Documentation

◆ isa

- (Class) isa

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: