How to record your Linux desktop to a mkv file with ffmpeg.

Record your Linux desktop to a video file and showcase it on Youtube To get a simple desktop recording of your Linux desktop for teaching purposes or any other use, just follow this guide. This command below. will record a high-quality video file of your Linux desktop to an MKV…

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Interesting ping trick, it ignores leading zeros in an IP address.

The IP address you supply the ping command with can have a leading zero or multiple leading zeros and they will be ignored by the ping command. This is an example. jason@jason-desktop:~$ ping 192.168.00001.00002 PING 192.168.00001.00002 ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.012 ms 64…

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How to change the Virtual Terminal font in Debian and Ubuntu easily.

To change the font in the Virtual Terminal in Debian or Ubuntu/Linux Mint, run this command. sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setupsudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup This lets you select the various character sets and fonts to customize your virtual terminal. jason@jason-desktop:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup [sudo] password for jason: Your console font configuration will be…

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Some very useful Ubuntu tips.

To find out what repository a package came from, use the dpkg -s command. jason@jason-desktop:~$ dpkg -s zdoom Package: zdoom Status: install ok installed Priority: optional Section: web Installed-Size: 9330 Maintainer: DRD Team <[email protected]> Architecture: amd64 Version: 2.8.1 Depends: libc6, libstdc++6, zlib1g, bzip2, libgtk2.0-0 Recommends: timidity, libfluidsynth1 Description: Advanced Doom…

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How to manipulate Xorg windows with a terminal command.

The Windows in an Xorg session may easily be manipulated with this simple utility. Xdotool. This is a terminal utility to manage Xorg windows. Firstly, install this simple utility. jason@jason-desktop:~$ sudo apt install xdotooljason@jason-desktop:~$ sudo apt install xdotool Then we can resize a MATE Terminal window. xdotool search –onlyvisible –classname…

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How to make a PDF file of a man page on Linux the easy way.

To make a PDF file of a manual page on Linux, this involves a very simple command. Make a Postscript file from a manual page on Linux. jason@jason-desktop:~$ man -t 3 printf > printf.psjason@jason-desktop:~$ man -t 3 printf > Then convert the Postscript file to a PDF easily. jason@jason-desktop:~$…

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How to write a Hello World program in C that does not use main().

This simple program is a Hello World example that does not use the main() function. This is certainly possible in a C program. #define syscall(a, D, S, d) __asm__ __volatile__("syscall" : : "a"(a), "D"(D), "S"(S), "d"(d))   void _start(void) { syscall(1, 1, "Hello, World\n", 14); syscall(60, 0, 0, 0); }#define…

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How to crack an Ubuntu user password easily with John The Ripper.

Cracking an Ubuntu password with John the Ripper is very easy. All that is needed is a good wordlist and the John The Ripper utility. Install the John the Ripper password cracking utility. jason@jason-desktop:~/Documents/Windows$ sudo apt install johnjason@jason-desktop:~/Documents/Windows$ sudo apt install john Dump the Linux user account information to a…

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How to find saved WIFI passwords in Ubuntu easily.

To find all the saved WIFI passwords and Ethernet connection information on your Linux desktop or laptop, navigate to this directory. /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections Here are the connections on my laptop. ┌─[root@parrot]─[/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections] └──╼ #ls -hula total 20K drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K Aug 24 13:36 . drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 4.0K Aug…

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Cracking a WPA2 network with aircrack-ng and Parrot.

Starting a USB wireless interface in monitor mode. ┌─[root@parrot]─[/home/jason] └──╼ #airmon-ng start wlan1   Found 3 processes that could cause trouble. If airodump-ng, aireplay-ng or airtun-ng stops working after a short period of time, you may want to run ‘airmon-ng check kill’   PID Name 593 NetworkManager 749 wpa_supplicant 923…

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Some very interesting programming code snippets.

This perl script is an old piece of code that will create a Windows version text string. I am sure someone might find this useful. #!/usr/bin/perl   use warnings;   @t = localtime(time());   $yr = ($t[5] + 1900) -1; $sr = int(( $t [4]/4) + 1); $v = int("$t[7]$t[2]$t[1]$t[0]"*((rand(rand(10)…

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Simple Linux commands to get information from your system.

Get your Internet routable IP address with the command line. [jason@localhost ~]$ curl ‘’ ; echo[jason@localhost ~]$ curl ‘’ ; echo Get the startup time of your Linux PC with Systemd. [jason@localhost ~]$ systemd-analyze Startup finished in 1.186s (kernel) + 9.653s (initrd) + 2min 37.144s (userspace) = 2min 47.984s[jason@localhost ~]$…

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Iptables samples. Very good ways to filter network traffic.

Sample Iptables configurations A sample iptables output that I am using on an OpenVPN server to allow Internet traffic to be passed through it. ubuntu ~ $ sudo iptables-save # Generated by iptables-save v1.4.21 on Wed Aug 2 22:19:48 2017 *filter :INPUT ACCEPT [2654934:1228315333] :FORWARD ACCEPT [31023:17433690] :OUTPUT ACCEPT [2475842:555885003]…

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Why you should have a very complex and secure WIFI PSK.

To secure your WIFI from attack, the best way, apart from a very secure Pre Shared Key is to disable WPS. This will really ensure that your network is safe from automated cracking tools. The WPS pixie attack is very effective at retrieving the PSK of a network that you…

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How to crack a wireless WPA2 network with aircrack on Parrot or Kali Linux.

To start a Wireless interface in monitor mode, use this command. This will create a new interface that we may use to attempt to crack a wireless WPA2 network. ┌─[root@parrot]─[/home/user] └──╼ #airmon-ng start wlan1   Found 2 processes that could cause trouble. If airodump-ng, aireplay-ng or airtun-ng stops working after…

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