New themes for your Linux desktop in 2018.

Nice Linux themes and wallpapers Some more lovely GTK themes and wallpapers for your new Linux desktop in 2018. Gnome Shell themes Human Next: Maxim: Copernico: Wallpapers for Gnome and MATE Railway line through the mountains: Looking down on a swimming pool beside the ocean:….

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Get real time hardware information on a Linux system with this utility.

This very useful Linux utility is a good way to get real-time Linux system information, and compare various activity on a system such as disk reads and writes, or network activity. ubuntu ~ $ dstat You did not select any stats, using -cdngy by default. —-total-cpu-usage—- -dsk/total- -net/total- —paging– —system–…

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How to get information about a window on your Linux desktop.

Getting detailed information about a window on your Linux desktop is very easy. The Xwininfo command is very useful for getting this information. Run the command and then click a window to get detailed information about a window. jason@jason-desktop:~$ xwininfojason@jason-desktop:~$ xwininfo Absolute upper-left X: 498 Absolute upper-left Y: 47 Relative…

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How to get information about a video file with the Linux command line.

The Linux command line may be used to get information about a video file easily. Here is an example. Getting the video resolution with a simple command. jason@jason-desktop:~/Videos$ ffprobe -v quiet -print_format json -show_format -show_streams burnout-in-a-town-street.mp4 | grep coded "coded_width": 400, "coded_height": 224,jason@jason-desktop:~/Videos$ ffprobe -v quiet -print_format json -show_format -show_streams…

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Import a WordPress database dump into MySQL easily.

Importing a WordPress database dump into MySQL is very easy, I downloaded a very old backup of my old website, and I wanted to see what was in it. So I installed MySQL and then I had to create the database. mysql> CREATE DATABASE bejiitas_wrath;mysql> CREATE DATABASE bejiitas_wrath; This was…

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How to shuffle play a directory full of movies with mpv on Linux.

The mpv movie player can play a directory of movies randomly, this is useful if the user wants movies playing randomly in the background. Do it like this. mpv –shuffle /media/jason/Seagate\ Backup\ Plus\ Drive/Movies/**mpv –shuffle /media/jason/Seagate\ Backup\ Plus\ Drive/Movies/** This is the result, a randomly chosen movie from your collection….

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Get a CPU-Z styled application for Linux to keep track of CPU status.

The CPU-Z app for Windows is very good for keeping track of the status of your CPU, but this is also available on Linux with the I-Nex app. This will show comprehensive CPU information that is very detailed indeed. Get the Debian packages here: The Ubuntu 16.10 packages installed…

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Some more very useful Linux commands.

This Linux command will print all the filenames of the PAM libraries in the /lib directory. A good use of the find command. find /lib{,64} -iname ‘*pam*.so’find /lib{,64} -iname ‘*pam*.so’ Print a waveform in the terminal that will continue until you press control-c. for((i=0;;i++)) { printf "%$(bc -l <<< "a=20*s($i/10);scale=0;a/1+20")s|\n";…

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Google translate behaving strangely.

The Google translate service is behaving strangely when attempting to translate from Mongolian to English. I entered this into the Mongolian field and got strange output. This is very strange… эээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээlogin friend (david smith):(password01)эээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээээlogin friend (david smith):(password01) ‘s Friends (david smith): (password01)’ s Contact Settings You have to login to…

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Got narrow FM reception working with gqrx.

I managed to get gqrx on Linux to receive Narrow FM frequencies. This was annoying at first, but now I can pick up Ambulance frequencies easily. These are the settings I am using tp decode these transmissions. Ambulances and Taxis seem to transmit on these frequencies and this is very…

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How to get good system information quickly on Linux.

Get Linux system information To get good Linux system information, use these simple utilities. 1. Screenfetch. Install screenfetch. jason@jason-desktop:~$ sudo apt install screenfetchjason@jason-desktop:~$ sudo apt install screenfetch Then run it to get information about your PC. jason@jason-desktop:~$ screenfetch ./+o+- jason@jason-desktop yyyyy- -yyyyyy+ OS: Ubuntu 17.04 zesty ://+//////-yyyyyyo Kernel: x86_64 Linux…

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Get comprehensive networking information from the command line.

If you are using Network Manager to connect to a network, then it is possible to get comprehensive networking information from the command line. This command will print a lot of information about your Network Manager configuration. jason@jason-desktop:~$ nmcli dev showjason@jason-desktop:~$ nmcli dev show Show a listing of available WIFI…

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How to download video from video sites easily on Ubuntu 17.04.

Downloading clips with clipgrabWatch Youtube videos with MPVDownload Youtube videos while playing them with mpv If the xvideoservicethief application does not work for you in 2019, give this one a go instead, it is working very well on multiple websites: it is called Clibgrab and does the same job…

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Monitor disk latency with the ioping command on Linux.

How will your HDD perform under load? Measuring disk latency on Linux is very easy if the right command is used. This useful utility makes a difficult task very simple. Here is an example of the usage. ubuntu ~ $ sudo ioping /dev/xvda 4.0 KiB from /dev/xvda (device 30.0 GiB):…

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The proper way to use grep without cat. And some nice tricks.

This is the proper way to use grep. You do not need to use cat at all. This method works well and is one command, not two piping together. jason@jason-desktop:~/Documents$ grep apt-get ../.bash_history sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install me-tv sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install xvst apt-get moo…

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