Some very useful system status apps for Linux in 2019.

GKrellMConkyHtop There are a few very useful dock and system status apps for Linux in 2019. I am going to look at a few old and new dock apps for your Linux desktop. GKrellM This is a very nice monitoring app for your Linux desktop. This shows CPU, disk, Ethernet…

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How to cut a section out of a video with ffmpeg.

Cropping a section of a video and saving it without reencoding is very simple, the example below shows how to use ffmpeg to cut out a section of video and then save it to a separate file. This example will cut out a clip starting 12 minutes into the video…

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More very useful tricks with awk on Linux.

Printing user information such as the username and home directory for each user on your system is very easy with awk. Use this simple post to get this information. This will help you out if there are a lot of users on your system and you wish to list them all.

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Get the proper time from digital TV with the command line.

How to get the proper time from a DVB receiver with the command line. This only works if you are connected to a DVB transmission. Then you can get the time from the transmission. 4.4 Tue Mar 19 jason@Yog-Sothoth 0: $ dvbdate –print System time: Tue Mar 19 19:43:49 2019…

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Make the Cinnamon desktop look like Windows 10.

The Cinnamon desktop on Linux is very themeable, I will show you how to install a nice Windows 10 theme on Linux. There is a nice theme available here: Download the Windows 10 icons here: Install the main theme under your ~/.themes directory, then select it in your…

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How to rip subtitles from a movie file using ffmpeg.

Ripping the subtitles from a movie file is very easy, just use this command to rip the subs to a file for later perusal. Or to correct grammar and spelling/translation errors. ffmpeg -i BLADE_RUNNER_2049_WEB_DL_1080p-BLUEBIRD.mkv -map 0:s:0 subs.srtffmpeg -i BLADE_RUNNER_2049_WEB_DL_1080p-BLUEBIRD.mkv -map 0:s:0 This rips the first subs track to a…

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Advanced file listing tricks for Linux.

How to do various file listing tricks on Linux to find various files. Get a listing of all files in /bin that contain the letters ‘ls’ and output the file details. 4.4 Tue Mar 05 jason@Yog-Sothoth 0: $ find /bin -type f -name ‘*ls*’ -ls 3933382 132 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root…

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get information about running processes using Systemd.

The sudo systemctl status command will show a tree view of all running processes on your Linux machine. This is quite comprehensive and very useful output. Here is a sample. 4.4 Mon Mar 04 jason@Yog-Sothoth 1: $ sudo systemctl status ● Yog-Sothoth State: running Jobs: 0 queued Failed: 0 units…

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Create a stupidly complicated random passkey using the Linux command line.

This command line shows how to use a simple one-liner to create a horribly complicated password using the Linux command line. 4.4 Thu Feb 28 jason@Yog-Sothoth 0: $ cat /dev/urandom | tr -cd ‘\11\12\15\40-\176’ | head -n 1 U\-mnQyDp’R7Aen][VzYt@cyiqgzU|5Z-DODo91>7_z%RUQ’nA66S`S~BUAy(Two-B~AtI@M!U"TqG?7xdI@*Tp;"ywUpV/65x"!$HN`jj8Ox-VPt!<<;?nUK%f4.4 Thu Feb 28 jason@Yog-Sothoth 0: $ cat /dev/urandom | tr -cd…

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How to list all available WIFI access points with Linux.

Listing all available WIFI access points can be a hassle on Linux, but iwlist makes this very easy. It can be used to list verbose information about any WIFI access points that are near you. Used as root, it will list comprehensive information about each access point. Cell 08 -…

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Very cool Linux scripts I have found on the Internet.

A collection of nice Linux scripts I have found on the Internet. Nice pipes terminal screensaver, this is a nice addition to your Linux terminal emulator. A collection of very useful MPV user scripts. use Byzanz to capture your Linux desktop to a file for a certain duration….

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Compiling and installing a 2.4 kernel on Debian GNU/Linux Sarge.

Compiling and Installing a 2.4 Kernel on Debian This is quite like the installation process for the 2.6 kernel. Just unpack the kernel sources to your home directory and cd to the directory and type make mrproper to make sure the source directory is clean. Then type make menuconfigmake menuconfig…

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Linux more durable than ever before.

The Linux distributions we use today are more stable and reliable than ever before. I remember when filling up your hard drive would lead to a kernel panic, but today my hard disk was at 0% space and I just got a notification popup telling me that, so I could…

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List all drives on your system that are actually mounted.

How to list all drives on your Linux computer that are actually mounted. The findmnt utility can do this for you. It prints a tree listing of all mounted partitions on your Linux machine. The output below is an example. 4.4 Wed Feb 13 jason@Yog-Sothoth 0: $ findmnt TARGET SOURCE…

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Google ReCaptcha very annoying.

The Google ReCaptcha system is very frustrating to use. This is always letting me use it a bit, then preventing me from using a website, due to automated traffic, even though I am using the captcha properly. Why does this happen? That is why I like using Ubuntu 18. It…

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How to print the current environment variables in the Linux shell.

To print a listing of all environment variables in the Linux terminal or VT, use the printenv command, this prints the environment to the terminal. deusexmachina:~ jason$ printenv TERM_PROGRAM=Apple_Terminal SHELL=/bin/bash TERM=xterm-256color TMPDIR=/var/folders/8n/777bpxj118j6690m3s7lypqw0000gn/T/ Apple_PubSub_Socket_Render=/private/tmp/ TERM_PROGRAM_VERSION=421.1 TERM_SESSION_ID=6D73ABAB-FA6D-4AEF-9885-768BC4D18F9B USER=jason SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/private/tmp/ PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Applications/VMware PWD=/Users/jason LANG=en_AU.UTF-8 XPC_FLAGS=0x0 XPC_SERVICE_NAME=0 SHLVL=1 HOME=/Users/jason LOGNAME=jason _=/usr/bin/printenvdeusexmachina:~ jason$ printenv TERM_PROGRAM=Apple_Terminal…

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