Very useful .vimrc file for Linux users.

A very nice .vimrc file for any Linux user, this makes VI or VIM easier to use. " ~/.vimrc (configuration file for vim only) " skeletons function! SKEL_spec() 0r /usr/share/vim/current/skeletons/skeleton.spec language time en_US if $USER != ” let login = $USER elseif $LOGNAME != ” let login = $LOGNAME else…

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Very useful resume template for Information Technology.

This is a very useful resume template for an Information Technology student. This is for LaTeX, and makes the process of Curriculum Vitae writing very simple. LaTeX makes the process of writing easier, the blocks of text may be rearranged more easily. I have used this to create very…

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The best thing about the Linux desktop in my opinion.

The best thing about the Linux desktop is the customization. You can tweak all sorts of things: icons, color schemes, fonts, everything. You can customize the system settings. You can even do color selection with your display device. Here’s an example: You can easily set a background for Windows. You…

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Convert a short video clip to a nice webm easily.

Converting a short video clip to a small webm file is very easy. Firstly, do this as part 1 of the two pass encoding process. ffmpeg -i BarakaClip.mkv -c:v libvpx -deadline good -cpu-used 5 -b:v 1000K -qmax 50 -an -f null -ffmpeg -i BarakaClip.mkv -c:v libvpx -deadline good -cpu-used 5…

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Comparing database engines.

Comparing database engines is quite complex when you are deciding on which engine to use for managing a database on a desktop machine or a database for a website, although the MySQL engine is the most refined and stable database engine that is available today. Installation is very simple and…

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Listen to music in the terminal and some other nice Linux tricks.

This nice command allows streaming some nice ambient drone music in the terminal with MPV. Very nice to listen to while doing other things. mpv | sed -n "s/ icy-title: \(.*\)/\x1b[38;5;242m$(date +%T)\x1b[m | \1/p"mpv | sed -n "s/ icy-title: \(.*\)/\x1b[38;5;242m$(date +%T)\x1b[m | \1/p" Play a Youtube video audio…

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Some very useful Windows 7 scripts to get system information.

A useful VBScript sample to get user information. This is just basic information about the user. ‘ Logoninformation.vbs ‘ VBScript Logon script. ‘ This program demonstrates how to get information about the logged in user. ‘ This script tested on a Windows 7 machine and works perfectly too. ‘ ———————————————————————-…

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How to play a Youtube video with MPV and skip to a certain section.

Playing a Youtube video with mpv is very easy, it is also possible to skip to a certain part of the video whenever you wish. Make sure that you have the latest version of Youtube-dl first. sudo curl -L -o /usr/bin/youtube-dlsudo curl -L -o /usr/bin/youtube-dl Then run this…

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How to sort the output of ls by date modified.

Sorting the output of ls by date modified is very easy. This is how to sort output and display the few most recent files. This example shows how to do this. Use head – 20 to list only the top 20 results. 4.4 Tue May 21 jason@Yog-Sothoth 0: $ ls…

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How to fix Firefox addons that have been disabled by incompetent Mozilla developers.

Use this setting in about:config to fix this issue for now. xpinstall.signatures.required   xpinstall.whitelist.requiredxpinstall.signatures.required xpinstall.whitelist.required That’s it. Now go and reinstall / reconfigure those addons. And for anyone on Firefox who hasn’t hit the issue yet, still do it, because you will eventually. Also, leave that drokking setting as false…

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Linux security considerations to lock down a shared server.

SSH keysVirtual Private NetworkUse sudo instead of suVulnerability updatesLogin failure delayIptablesPasswords Securing a Linux server is very important. There are many attacks against UNIX servers and the security of corporate networks must be protected by many layered security devices and comprehensive security plans to deal with any problems experienced by…

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