Posted: 14 March 2018. At: 5:41 PM. This was 6 years ago. Post ID: 7064
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How to use the command line to list password files on a Macintosh machine.

How to list password files on a Macintosh OSX machine

This is how to list the password files on a Macintosh OSX Mountain Lion machine. Newer Macintosh OSX machines do not use the /etc/shadow file link Linux does, so this is how the account passwords are stored.

Homers-iMac:~ homer$ sudo ls -lah /var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/users/
total 336
drwx------  74 root  wheel   2.5K 14 Mar 10:13 .
drw-------  11 root  wheel   374B 14 Mar 10:11 ..
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   260B 21 Jun  2012 _amavisd.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   254B 21 Jun  2012 _appleevents.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   261B 14 Mar 09:39 _appowner.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   276B 14 Mar 09:39 _appserver.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   248B 21 Jun  2012 _ard.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   254B 14 Mar 09:39 _atsserver.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   266B 14 Mar 09:39 _avbdeviced.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   250B 14 Mar 09:39 _calendar.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   258B 14 Mar 09:39 _ces.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   258B 21 Jun  2012 _clamav.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   253B 21 Jun  2012 _coreaudiod.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   241B 14 Mar 09:39 _cvmsroot.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   236B 21 Jun  2012 _cvs.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   263B 21 Jun  2012 _cyrus.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   265B 14 Mar 09:39 _devdocs.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   259B 14 Mar 09:39 _devicemgr.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   257B 21 Jun  2012 _dovecot.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   256B 21 Jun  2012 _dovenull.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   239B 14 Mar 09:39 _dpaudio.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   253B 21 Jun  2012 _eppc.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   246B 14 Mar 09:39 _ftp.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   248B 14 Mar 09:39 _geod.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   260B 14 Mar 09:39 _installassistant.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   245B 14 Mar 09:39 _installer.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   271B 14 Mar 09:39 _jabber.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   264B 14 Mar 09:39 _kadmin_admin.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   279B 21 Jun  2012 _kadmin_changepw.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   276B 21 Jun  2012 _krb_anonymous.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   289B 21 Jun  2012 _krb_changepw.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   277B 14 Mar 09:39 _krb_kadmin.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   265B 14 Mar 09:39 _krb_kerberos.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   286B 21 Jun  2012 _krb_krbtgt.plist
-rw-------   1 root  wheel   666B 14 Mar 10:11 _krbtgt.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   249B 21 Jun  2012 _lda.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   259B 21 Jun  2012 _locationd.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   256B 21 Jun  2012 _lp.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   261B 21 Jun  2012 _mailman.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   251B 21 Jun  2012 _mcxalr.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   249B 21 Jun  2012 _mdnsresponder.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   248B 14 Mar 09:39 _mysql.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   238B 21 Jun  2012 _netbios.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   264B 21 Jun  2012 _netstatistics.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   249B 21 Jun  2012 _networkd.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   271B 14 Mar 09:39 _postfix.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   251B 14 Mar 09:39 _postgres.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   262B 14 Mar 09:39 _qtss.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   248B 14 Mar 09:39 _sandbox.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   246B 14 Mar 09:39 _screensaver.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   258B 14 Mar 09:39 _scsd.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   265B 21 Jun  2012 _securityagent.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   274B 21 Jun  2012 _serialnumberd.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   265B 21 Jun  2012 _softwareupdate.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   253B 14 Mar 09:39 _spotlight.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   261B 21 Jun  2012 _sshd.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   236B 14 Mar 09:39 _svn.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   250B 14 Mar 09:39 _taskgated.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   267B 14 Mar 09:39 _teamsserver.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   252B 14 Mar 09:39 _timezone.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   250B 21 Jun  2012 _tokend.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   270B 14 Mar 09:39 _trustevaluationagent.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   252B 14 Mar 09:39 _unknown.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   257B 14 Mar 09:39 _update_sharing.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   264B 14 Mar 09:39 _usbmuxd.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   265B 21 Jun  2012 _uucp.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   240B 14 Mar 09:39 _warmd.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   254B 14 Mar 09:39 _webauthserver.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   262B 21 Jun  2012 _windowserver.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   265B 14 Mar 09:39 _www.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   243B 21 Jun  2012 daemon.plist
-rw-------   1 root  wheel   161K 14 Mar 10:13 homer.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   266B 14 Mar 09:39 nobody.plist
-rw-------@  1 root  wheel   288B 14 Mar 09:39 root.plist

This lists all of the accounts on the machine. This allows you to get hold of a password file to attack.

There is a tutorial here, this lists the steps required to crack a Macintosh Mountain Lion password file. This requires Administrator access on a Macintosh machine.

Get the password files on a Macintosh OSX Sierra machine. Also how to get ahold of the password hash and the salt.

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