Posted: 2 January 2019. At: 10:05 PM. This was 6 years ago. Post ID: 12829
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Just upgraded to OSX Mojave.

I have just upgraded a Macbook to OSX Mojave. This was very painless, and did not take very long at all. Upgrading a Macintosh machine is much easier than upgrading Windows 10, with all of the hassles and file deletion issues involved in that process.

Starting Mac OSX Mojave installation.
Starting Mac OSX Mojave installation.

After the installation process, I had a new login screen, and all of my files are still there. I did not need to run a troubleshooter as the users of Windows 10 have had to do when upgrading Windows 10. And needing to run complicated commands like this to fix the problem.

net stop wuauserv
net stop bits
net stop cryptsvc
Ren %systemroot%\SoftwareDistribution\SoftwareDistribution.bak
Ren %systemroot%\system32\catroot2 catroot2.bak
net start wuauserv
net start bits
net start cryptsvc

Macintosh OSX is much more reliable than Windows 10. That is a fact. Microsoft seem to have lost control over Windows, it is so complex now that they cannot manage the codebase anymore. Apparently the Windows codebase is about 3.5 million files and, when checked in to a Git repo, results in a repo of about 300GB. Further, the Windows team is about 4,000 engineers and the engineering system produces 1,760 daily “lab builds” across 440 branches in addition to thousands of pull request validation builds. That is a lot of code, and would take a long time to debug. That is why Microsoft have so many problems with Windows 10. It is like a super sized Starship in Star Wars, it is so big that one section takes ages to communicate with another, or descends into anarchy. Windows Vista did not have these issues, what is wrong here?

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