Posted: 19 October 2011. At: 3:18 PM. This was 13 years ago. Post ID: 2056
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Securing your Facebook profile.

Facebook cookies in Firefox.
Facebook cookies in Firefox.

These are the cookies stored on my machine that Facebook has stored on my computer without me knowing. This happens because a website has put the Facebook Like button on their page, then Facebook can track you and see what browsing you are doing after you leave your Facebook session. There is a good article here about this sort of web tracking, I will have to admit that I love to leave my cookies on and be able to visit a website and already be logged in, with Google for example but some people would not like this and prefer to log-out when they leave a webpage. The screenshot on the left shows the settings I have implemented in Firefox 7.0 to stop these third-party cookies from being accepted. This will be a great help when browsing and I will see if this stops those Facebook cookies from being saved on my computer. Installing Flashblock and Noscript in Firefox will also help to stop these cookies if they are using flash. Noscript is indispensable when you are browsing all kinds of websites and they have those scripts that stop you when you are trying to leave the website and ask “Are you sure you want to leave this website; YES/NO” I _hate_ that.

The image to the right shows the proper Facebook security settings you should have to make sure that no one else can log into your account. If you set up your mobile phone with Facebook they will send a PIN code to your mobile telephone when you log in on a unknown computer and you will have to enter this code to be able to login, this can prevent others hijacking your Facebook account.

Facebook privacy settings.
Facebook privacy settings.

Then with secure browsing enabled and with E-Mail and text messaging notifications enabled, you will have a more secure Facebook profile. And you can choose what you want to share with visitors to your profile page. Facebook can be secure even though the website is a huge data mining enterprise, it is useful for meeting people and catching up with old friends as well as sharing links and information with the world. Myspace is still going as well, but I am not sure how popular that is compared to the almighty Facebook. But with these settings your profile will be a little more secure and safe from stalkers. It will remain to be seen how long Facebook will last in the future, or will another great Social Networking website rise in its place. Google+ is pretty good, but Facebook is fighting back with many new features to counter the Google experiment.

Firefox securitysettings.
Firefox securitysettings.

Linkedin is another website that is geared more towards professionals and not general users, but I have had problems setting up my profile on that website, Myspace is easier as you can just connect to Myspace using your Facebook account and import all of your Facebook data into a Myspace profile with the same name and get yourself set up. There are a lot of bands on there, so if you like your music like I do then get an account and be friends with your favorite artist. Y△CHT is my favourite artist now, their music is awesome and everyone should get their album for sure. Some other bands try to sound like this, but these guys do it right. YACHT have a new website at that hosts all of their information and tour dates. Check it out. What is YACHT? See here and all will be explained. Lady Gaga and Beyonce with her fake baby bump have nothing on this band for sure, unless she is growing an abnormally small baby… The 60 minutes footage from 3 different camera angles showed a baby bump but it does not look real at all, you could see it creasing when she was bending down, it is just a distraction to take the peoples attention away from something else…

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