Posted: 8 January 2012. At: 2:57 PM. This was 12 years ago. Post ID: 2391
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Science Fiction movies losing their magical appeal.

San Francisco Starfleet headquarters.
San Francisco Starfleet headquarters.

Science Fiction shows like Stargate Universe and even the original Stargate series have lost the magical appeal of classic movies like the 3 Star Wars movies and the original Star Trek television series. I just watched the first Star Trek film and it was a mind-blowing film, the size of the V,Ger probe inside the immensity of the spacecraft that brought it to Earth. This film is sadly underrated mostly due to the reviewer lacking the attention span to truly appreciate this incredible film for what it is. A million parsecs ahead of the JJ Abrams film. It is nice to see the old painted backgrounds instead of the green screen work we have now. The visuals during the journey into the heart of V,Ger is truly an awe inspiring sight, the human mind can hardly comprehend such a gargantuan spacecraft, or the technology that could build such an enormous vehicle and the level of power that created the energy field around it. Such power wielded by a society of sentient machines that understood the whole Universe, but not human thought and feelings. If only we were really able to send out the Voyager 6 craft, but now that we are wasting trillions of US dollars on the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, that seems like it will never happen.

There is a theory that V,Ger was the genesis of the Borg, but that is not without some debate on the Star Trek forums. I guess that this is not true, the race that built the V,Ger spacecraft had technology beyond human imagination, they surely would not be the Borg, being living machines, they would have no use for biological components. I wish that we had more of an emphasis on space travel instead of fighting the war on terrorists and terrorising intending passengers in airports and sexually molesting people looking for bombs and RPG-7 rocket propelled grenade launchers. I guess the powers-that-be want us to stay on this planet and kill each other instead of exploring space and colonizing the moons of Jupiter. A base on Mars would be a very good start, terraforming Mars could enable humanity to establish a foothold on another world and that would allow us to move even further out once we constructed a launching facility. I am sure that the Star Trek Universe includes a moon base, but we never see it unless you count the introduction to the Star Trek Enterprise series. There is also the cool looking space station orbiting Earth resembling the Regular 1 space station from the Star Trek II film.

Voyager 6 gold plated nameplate.
Voyager 6 gold plated nameplate.

But I can not believe that I went so long without seeing this incredible film, I have seen Star Trek II, III and IV, and they are good films, but the original film is an incredible feast for the eyes and the mind with the unbelievable size of the alien ship and the realisation that not all alien life we could encounter would necessarily be biologically based, and even if it was it could be silicone based, instead of rigidly carbon based lifeforms, or “carbon units” in the words of V,Ger. Technically, the lifeforms that built V,Ger are silicone based assuming, they were basing their microprocessors on silicone. Where did they get all of the material to construct the unimaginably large spacecraft they piloted across the galaxy on the way to Earth in the search for NASA? Did they disassemble planets and asteroids to construct their spacecraft? I guess that V,Ger added parts onto itself as it went along and eventually became that giant sentient spacecraft known as V,Ger. The original role of Voyager 6 was to learn all that it could about the Universe and send that data back to NASA, the alien culture that found V,Ger interpreted that literally and sent it on a course back to Earth in search of the creator.

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