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Optimising your website for Google Adsense.

Google Adsense categories.

The Google Adsense advertising network is a very nice way to earn income from your website and also a good way to advertise your business online. As a publisher adding Google Adsense advertisements on your website to earn revenue from your website traffic and from the website visitors that click your ads. As shown in the screen shot to the right, you can tweak the categories of advertisements that are shown. Obviously you will want to block ads that contain content such as sexual and reproductive health and annoying ringtone advertisements. I have blocked these categories as they are not providing any percentage of ad revenue. The general categories page is also a good place to visit, you will want to visit this page many times over the course of running your blog and checking which ad categories are providing which percentage of ad revenue and which ones are not. If you wish to block an ad category, then just click the block button and the category will be blocked. There is some information here about blocking ad categories that will be very helpful for publishers. You have to be careful of blocking too many ad categories, but blocking categories like Sexual & Reproductive health, Ringtones & Downloadables and Get Rich Quick will make the advertisements you get more relevant to your actual content.

Having the advertisements blended into your page will make them appear as another part of your website helping with the overall look of your layout. You can not choose the look of the graphical advertisements but the text ads blend very well into your website and can perform very well in terms of gaining ad clicks. A good use of the performance reports page is monitoring which ad units are getting the most clicks and using this to judge which ads to keep and which you could change to another type. Using channels to monitor which sections of your website are getting the most impressions and/or clicks is also a good way to keep track of which parts of your website are the most popular, this is a very powerful method of seeing which areas of your website are getting the most traffic, especially when combined with Google Analytics. There is of course an option in Adsense’s Performance Reports page to view the website performance in Google Analytics, this can help see the activity of your website visitors. There are other good advertising companies such as 888media, Chitika, and Adbrite, but I think that the contextual advertisements that Google Adsense deliver are very successful at delivering a good conversion rate.

The key to a successful website using Google Adsense is to create good content on a regular basis. This will ensure a good level of consistent traffic to your website, this in turn will make your website perform even better as you gain backlinks from other websites linking to your website. This is what you want if you are looking to gain a greater audience due to people on that website clicking the link to your website. One thing I did using 888media ads is to create an ad using my advertiser account that points to my website. That ad gets about 14 clicks per day, not bad for 10 minutes work. That is a good idea, you just need to create a nice graphic for your ad with the GIMP or Krita and then uploaded the graphic and set up your ad and the amount of clicks you want to budget for and it does not cost much to do this either. I wish I had found this out sooner. I was using 888media advertisements on my website once and I saw my ad appear, it is not the best looking ad, but it works. So if you have an 888media account, and have some credit to transfer to your advertiser account, this is worth the effort to set up. And it is cheaper than Google Adwords. One thing to remember is not to click your own ads.

This will get you banned in no time, and if you have a website, do not do what one person did and write in the About Me section asking for ad clicks. That person would have been banned very quickly. Google are watching your account very closely when you first start out with Google Adsense and if you are getting a lot of ad clicks when you are a new publisher with hardly any traffic, then it will raise a red flag. A website that is getting a lot of traffic will get ad clicks without having to do it yourself, which does not work. As well as joining ad-click rings and getting clicks for clicking other publishers ads. That is another bad idea, Google can find you out and then you will be banned. The best way is to create a lot of content on your website that you are passionate about and the visitors will come once Google, Bing and Yahoo have indexed your content. Creating an XML sitemap and submitting this to all of the major search engines can help get your website noticed. The Sharepress plugin for WordPress will automatically submit a summary and a link to each of your posts to Facebook. This can work if your Facebook profile gets a lot of traffic, but most of my traffic comes from Yahoo and Google search results.

That is why you must make your website search engine friendly and enable all of the major search engines to index your website easily, this will enable the Googlebot for example to crawl your website more effectively and this is also useful for enabling the display of more relevant Google Adsense ads on your website. This will help your Adsense performance if the ads are more relevant to the content of your website. That helps the performance of your ads. Above all content is king, you must have a lot of regularly, updated content to bring in visitors and that is the goal of any website. Sure, you can just put up a website without putting your link around and not telling anyone and Google will still find your website and index it, but spreading your link around by commenting on other peoples blogs with constructive and relevant commenting is a good way to get links back to your website. If the links are on websites with a very high pagerank then this will help more than links back from a website with a low pagerank. This is part of the Google page rank system, and it takes a lot of effort to increase your pagerank and rank higher on Google search results.

The key points of success with a new website are:

  • Content.
  • Building links.
  • Updating regularly.
  • Replying to users comments.
  • Good search engine optimisation. can help with this.
  • Good design. Or at least a page that is easy to navigate without hassles.
  • Posting about something you are actually passionate about, therefore you will not get bored.

And do not click your own ads!

6 thoughts on “Optimising your website for Google Adsense.

  1. Hi,
    Awesome post i been reading so many blogs but your blog is awesome and always comes with awesome articles

  2. When i actually like wvaheter you submit here. Really useful in addition to smart. Just one problem though. I’m running Opera having Debian in addition to elements of this present structure portions undoubtedly are a very little wonky. When i understand it’s an excellent standard established. Yet it’s an issue to help keep in mind. When i hope so it will guide in addition to continue to keep up the top excellent publishing.

  3. How about not having a messy poorly-formatted wordpress theme that looks like it’s from the late 90s? :)

    Also, adblock.

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