Posted: 27 November 2021. At: 12:41 PM. This was 3 years ago. Post ID: 734
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Linux renovation ideas. What should be done to improve Linux.

I wish someone would bring an open-source Nvidia driver to the Linux operating system. I hate having to use a binary installer you have to download and run to install the drivers when you could just have the driver code in the kernel. I know it is not hard to install as long as you have the build-essential packages installed, but I want a better option. The open-source Noveau driver that Fedora uses is supposed to be a replacement, but it is only an alpha status project yet as far as 3D acceleration is concerned but it is a step in the right direction. See the Wiki here: they are moving ahead with more support for various graphics cards and the 3D support is not implemented yet but this is the future. Ideally, there would be open source software for everything but the sad reality is that Nvidia will not release the source code for their drivers so we need to hack together an open-source driver. Maybe the upcoming Intel graphics card will have an open-source freely available graphics driver. That would be very useful for modern Linux distributions these days. That way on Arch Linux it would be very useful.

A corridor viewed on CCTV.
A corridor viewed on CCTV.

Installing a graphics driver would be as easy as installing a kernel and selecting the proper hardware support if required. And the graphics card market needs more competition. Removing all of the cruft from Ubuntu would be a great step forward. it is much slower than Arch Linux or Slackware would be. Venom Linux is also very fast, but I had issues with packages not fully compiling, and then the system is broken. That is an issue with source-based distributions. You must have a good team of developers on your team that can manage the source code archives and ensures everything is working fine and the packages are all compiling and installing as they should be. That is why Gentoo is more successful. The only issue is the time taken to compile everything, but if you use -j4 then it is slightly faster. The advantage of Gentoo is the ability to build every package to match your personal system specifications. This is very attractive. But we need a minimal version of Ubuntu that is as fast and sleek as other competing distributions. That would be a great selling point for a new distro.

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