Posted: 28 June 2011. At: 6:50 AM. This was 13 years ago. Post ID: 1685
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Internet Censorship bill.

The Internet Censorship bill will restrict access to many websites on the Internet and restrict Internet freedom in the name of protecting copyrighted material from theft, at least that is what they are saying, but it will have many far-reaching effects that will compromise freedom of speech and the enjoyment you get out of using Internet websites such as Youtube, that has many music videos uploaded to the website that anyone can listen to freely. That will end if the PROTECT IP Act is passed through the Senate. Hollywood and other companies just want to shut down the Internet to protect their own Interests and they do not care about the consumers as long as they keep buying their DVDs and watching their movies in the Cinema. And companies such as Sony, that have put malware root-kits on their CD`s and removed the OtherOS feature from the PS3 are actively supporting this bill that will go after a blacklist of “rogue websites” that are supplying copyrighted material. I would love to be able to see this list, but it may not be made public like the Australian Internet blacklist was on Wikileaks. But that list did not contain much illegal material anyway, and it would all be gone by now as the material would have changed their URL. I do not see how this will actually work, if a website is blocked by Uniform Resource Locator, (URL), it can just moved to another domain name and continue as normal. And changing the IP address could be done as well, I do not see how they can stop all file-sharing on the Internet, there would be many private ways to download movies that keep your identity private and allow you to torrent your movies without any worries about being tracked down. The New York Times have come out against the proposal and the Los Angeles Times has also called for the bill to be rejected and that a better option for fighting piracy would make more sense when taking on “rogue sites”. But they are never saying what those websites are, it could be bloggers saying things that the establishment does not agree with. It is not really clear what those rogue websites actually consist of, are they file-sharing websites like Fileplanet and Mediafire, or are they torrent websites like KickAssTorrents that offer *.torrent files to allow users to download movies and music easily. We will have to wait and hope someone makes the list available on Wikileaks or something and we can see what they are really going to block with this legislation.

Here is the output of df -Hla showing the disk space available on my system. / has 237 GiB available, that is more than enough for any programs I would want to install. I have the hard disks mounted in /etc/fstab making them available always instead of having to open Nautilus and clicking the hard disk to mount it.

Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdb1 259G 8.9G 237G 4% /
proc 0 0 0 - /proc
none 0 0 0 - /sys
fusectl 0 0 0 - /sys/fs/fuse/connections
none 0 0 0 - /sys/kernel/debug
none 0 0 0 - /sys/kernel/security
none 852M 816k 851M 1% /dev
none 0 0 0 - /dev/pts
none 916M 431k 916M 1% /dev/shm
none 916M 426k 916M 1% /var/run
none 916M 0 916M 0% /var/lock
/dev/sda2 160G 55G 106G 35% /mnt/windows7
/dev/sdc2 249G 94G 156G 38% /mnt/moremedia
/dev/sdc1 252G 4.7G 247G 2% /mnt/media
/dev/sdb2 105G 269M 99G 1% /mnt/Files
/dev/sdb3 124G 38G 81G 32% /home
binfmt_misc 0 0 0 - /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc
/dev/sr0 4.3G 4.3G 0 100% /media/LXFDVD142

Here is the /etc/fstab file that I am using now. If you use ls -hula /dev/disk/by-uuid or sudo blkid then you can get the UUID of the device you want to mount and then enter that instead of using the device name like /dev/sda1 or similar. With the UUID, even if other disks are removed or added, the UUID of the device will not change and this makes this a better solution for setting up your /etc/fstab file once your Linux system is installed.

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# Use 'blkid -o value -s UUID' to print the universally unique identifier
# for a device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name
# devices that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).
# proc /proc proc nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 0
# / was on /dev/sdb1 during installation
UUID=74a162ed-45e0-49ba-be58-1079f1abff3d / ext4 errors=remount-ro 0 1
# /home was on /dev/sdb3 during installation
UUID=44b34da2-a7c7-4688-b0ec-1d60786f2c81 /home ext4 defaults 0 2
# swap was on /dev/sdb5 during installation
UUID=bd38e61f-022b-430a-867d-54767bb0da27 none swap sw 0 0
UUID=FADC6329DC62DF7F /mnt/windows7 ntfs-3g defaults 0 0
UUID=08A15D3478B8E199 /mnt/moremedia ntfs-3g defaults 0 0
UUID=2D3046370F1DC4B9 /mnt/media ntfs-3g defaults 0 0
UUID=d25abd93-e974-45c1-8038-a81b4fd9d297 /mnt/Files ext4 defaults 0 0

Some example output from sudo blkid, this shows the UUID strings and the /dev/sd* device they relate to as well as the disk label if applicable. But only the NTFS volumes have disk labels, it does give a nice human-readable name to mount the volume under in /media. But having the volumes mounted this way is more convenient and very easy to set up.

[11:51:48-*-homer@hungry-forest ~]$ sudo blkid
[sudo] password for homer:
/dev/sda1: LABEL="System Reserved" UUID="3EB85A7EB85A351D" TYPE="ntfs"
/dev/sda2: UUID="FADC6329DC62DF7F" TYPE="ntfs"
/dev/sdb1: UUID="74a162ed-45e0-49ba-be58-1079f1abff3d" TYPE="ext4"
/dev/sdb2: UUID="d25abd93-e974-45c1-8038-a81b4fd9d297" TYPE="ext4"
/dev/sdb3: UUID="44b34da2-a7c7-4688-b0ec-1d60786f2c81" TYPE="ext4"
/dev/sdb5: UUID="bd38e61f-022b-430a-867d-54767bb0da27" TYPE="swap"
/dev/sdb6: UUID="9b623390-613e-42a7-966c-f057ace553fb" TYPE="ext4"
/dev/sdc1: LABEL="Media" UUID="2D3046370F1DC4B9" TYPE="ntfs"
/dev/sdc2: LABEL="MoreMedia" UUID="08A15D3478B8E199" TYPE="ntfs"

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