Posted: 14 February 2024. At: 10:47 AM. This was 5 months ago. Post ID: 19211
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Using Xterm on Linux is very easy. Useful shortcuts.

Using Xterm on Linux is very easy, there are many useful shortcuts for the terminal emulator to access various options.

Hold Control and press Mouse1 to access this menu. This allows access to the main Xterm options.

Hold Alt and press the middle mouse button to access the VT Options menu. This enables control of the scrollbar and Reverse Video options, and many others.

VT Options menu.

Hold Alt and press the right mouse button to access the VT Fonts menu. This enables control of the Xterm font settings.

Xterm VT Fonts menu.

Use the ~/.Xresources file in your home directory to customise the Xterm look and feel.

Here is an example.

 Font options - ~/.fonts.conf seems to override this
! Resolution for Xft in dots per inch (e.g. 96)
!Xft.dpi:       128
! Type of subpixel antialiasing (none, rgb, bgr, vrgb or vbgr)
!Xft.rgba:      rgba
!Xft.antialias: 1
!Xft.hinting:   1
!Xft.autohint:  0
! What degree of hinting to use (hintnone, hintslight, hintmedium, or hintfull)
!Xft.hintstyle: hintslight
xterm*faceName: terminus-12
URxvt*font:     terminus-12
URxvt*boldFont: terminus-12
!#define FONTSIZE 12
!xterm*faceName: xft:PragmataPro:size=FONTSIZE:antialias=true:hinting=true:autohint=false:hintstyle=hintnone:dpi=96
!URxvt*font:     xft:PragmataPro:size=FONTSIZE:antialias=true:hinting=true:autohint=false:hintstyle=hintnone:dpi=96
!URxvt*boldFont: xft:PragmataPro:size=FONTSIZE:antialias=true:hinting=true:autohint=false:hintstyle=hintnone:dpi=96
! Extra options for xft font spec - ~/.fonts.conf seems to override this
#define WINDOWGEOMETRY 90x20
! xterm
xterm*dynamiccolors:      true
xterm*utf8:               2
xterm*geometry:           WINDOWGEOMETRY
xterm*visualBell:         off
xterm*highlightSelection: true
!xterm*background:      lightblack
!xterm*foreground:      lightblue
!xterm*colorMode:       on
!xterm*colorBD:         lightcyan
!xterm*colorBDMode:     on
!xterm*colorUL:         white
!xterm*colorULMode:     on
!xterm*scrollTtyOutput: false
!xterm*scrollKey:       true
!xterm*scrollBar:       true
! URxvt
URxvt.modifier: mod1
URxvt*loginShell: true
URxvt.borderless: false
URxvt*dynamicColors: on
URxvt*letterSpace: -1
URxvt.imLocale: en_US.UTF-8
URxvt.lineSpace: 0
URxvt.loginShell: true
URxvt.saveLines: 5000
URxvt.scrollBar: false
URxvt.scrollstyle: plain
URxvt*termName: xterm-256color
URxvt.transparent: false
URxvt.visualBell: false
! URxvt.urgentOnBell: true
! URxvt.urlLauncher: chrome
! URxvt.internalBorder: 3
! URxvt.depth: 24
! URxvt.letterSpace: -1
! URxvt.shading: 100
! URxvt.perl-ext-common:  default,tabbed
! ,clipboard
! URxvt.tabbed.tabbar-fg: 4
! URxvt.tabbed.tabbar-bg: 0
!    9
!    0
! URxvt.keysym.M-c:   perl:clipboard:copy
! URxvt.keysym.M-v:   perl:clipboard:paste
! Colors
*.boldMode: true
*.colorBDMode: false
!*.colorBD: cyan
!! Base16 Flat
!#define base00 #2C3E50
!#define base01 #34495E
!#define base02 #7F8C8D
!#define base03 #95A5A6
!#define base04 #BDC3C7
!#define base05 #e0e0e0
!#define base06 #f5f5f5
!#define base07 #ECF0F1
!#define base08 #E74C3C
!#define base09 #E67E22
!#define base0A #F1C40F
!#define base0B #2ECC71
!#define base0C #1ABC9C
!#define base0D #3498DB
!#define base0E #9B59B6
!#define base0F #be643c
! Base16 Eighties
#define base00 #2d2d2d
#define base01 #393939
#define base02 #515151
#define base03 #747369
#define base04 #a09f93
#define base05 #d3d0c8
#define base06 #e8e6df
#define base07 #f2f0ec
#define base08 #f2777a
#define base09 #f99157
#define base0A #ffcc66
#define base0B #99cc99
#define base0C #66cccc
#define base0D #6699cc
#define base0E #cc99cc
#define base0F #d27b53
!! Base16 Atelier Dune
!#define base00 #20201d
!#define base01 #292824
!#define base02 #6e6b5e
!#define base03 #7d7a68
!#define base04 #999580
!#define base05 #a6a28c
!#define base06 #e8e4cf
!#define base07 #fefbec
!#define base08 #d73737
!#define base09 #b65611
!#define base0A #cfb017
!#define base0B #60ac39
!#define base0C #1fad83
!#define base0D #6684e1
!#define base0E #b854d4
!#define base0F #d43552
! Dark
*.foreground:   base05
*.background:   base00
*.cursorColor:  base05
*.cursorColor2:  base05
*.cursorUnderline: true
*.cursorBlink: true
! Light
!*.foreground:   base02
!*.background:   base07
!*.cursorColor:  base02
!*.cursorColor2:  base02
*.color0:       base00
*.color1:       base08
*.color2:       base0B
*.color3:       base0A
*.color4:       base0D
*.color5:       base0E
*.color6:       base0C
*.color7:       base05
*.color8:       base03
*.color9:       base08
*.color10:      base0B
*.color11:      base0A
*.color12:      base0D
*.color13:      base0E
*.color14:      base0C
*.color15:      base07
*.color16:      base09
*.color17:      base0F
*.color18:      base01
*.color19:      base02
*.color20:      base04
*.color21:      base06
!! Solarized color scheme for the X Window System
!! Common
!#define S_yellow        #b58900
!#define S_orange        #cb4b16
!#define S_red           #dc322f
!#define S_magenta       #d33682
!#define S_violet        #6c71c4
!#define S_blue          #268bd2
!#define S_cyan          #2aa198
!#define S_green         #859900
!! Dark
!#define S_base02        #073642
!#define S_base03        #002b36
!#define S_base01        #586e75
!#define S_base00        #657b83
!#define S_base0         #839496
!#define S_base1         #93a1a1
!#define S_base2         #eee8d5
!#define S_base3         #fdf6e3
!! Light
!!#define S_base03        #fdf6e3
!!#define S_base02        #eee8d5
!!#define S_base01        #93a1a1
!!#define S_base00        #839496
!!#define S_base0         #657b83
!!#define S_base1         #586e75
!!#define S_base2         #073642
!!#define S_base3         #002b36
!*background:              S_base03
!*foreground:              S_base0
!*fading:                  40
!*fadeColor:               S_base03
!*cursorColor:             S_base1
!*pointerColorBackground:  S_base01
!*pointerColorForeground:  S_base1
!*color0:                  S_base02
!*color1:                  S_red
!*color2:                  S_green
!*color3:                  S_yellow
!*color4:                  S_blue
!*color5:                  S_magenta
!*color6:                  S_cyan
!*color7:                  S_base2
!*color9:                  S_orange
!*color8:                  S_base03
!*color10:                 S_base01
!*color11:                 S_base00
!*color12:                 S_base0
!*color13:                 S_violet
!*color14:                 S_base1
!*color15:                 S_base3
!Xcursor.size: 32

After creating this file, run this command to load the settings.

(jcartwright@2403-4800-25af-b00--2) ~  $ xrdb -merge .Xresources

Put this in your .bash_profile to use this in every desktop session.

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