Posted: 14 June 2020. At: 11:30 AM. This was 4 years ago. Post ID: 14397
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Set up Ubuntu 20.04 after installation.

Ubuntu 20.04 is a very good Linux experience. This is very easy to install and use. Here are some useful tips for setting up your Ubuntu 20.04 distribution after installation.

Put the dock on the bottom of the screen.

Setting the dock on the bottom of the screen in Ubuntu 20.04.
Setting the dock on the bottom of the screen in Ubuntu 20.04.

Go to the settings dialog and find the appearance section, then set the dock on the bottom of the screen, and make the icons small. This provides more horizontal space.

Install all pending updates in the terminal.

sudo apt update ; sudo apt -y upgrade

Just run this one-liner and all pending updates will be installed.

Install a bunch of very useful packages with this long command.

sudo apt install mc audacious ubuntu-wallpapers-karmic zsh piper unity-tweak-tool mpv unity-lens-applications unity-lens-files

The mpv player is the best way to watch movies, and audacious is the best music player. The unity-lens-applications and unity-lens-files packages are required for the Unity Tweak Tool to work. This is the best way to further tweak your Unity desktop. The only problem with the Ubuntu 20.04 Unity desktop is the absence of a screen saver. I searched in the Settings and Unity dash and found nothing. But you can install Xscreensaver and use that venerable but very good screensaver collection to make your downtime on your computer look very good.

sudo apt install xscreensaver-data-extra xscreensaver-data xscreensaver-gl-extra xscreensaver-screensaver-bsod

If you set the xscreensaver deamon to run on each login to your desktop, it will work fine.

Put this in your .bash_profile file.

xscreensaver &

Install even more useful wallpapers like this.

sudo apt install propaganda-debian gnome-backgrounds

This should set up your Ubuntu desktop very easily. You will have some very nice wallpapers and useful utilities to get you started on your Linux journey.

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