Posted: 29 January 2013. At: 7:47 PM. This was 11 years ago. Post ID: 5276
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How to install the Nvidia drivers in Ubuntu and Linux Mint 14 via the command line easily.

To install Nvidia drivers in Linux Mint, download the drivers and save them to your home directory, then you need to log out of your desktop back to the LightDM log in manager, then press CTRL->ALT->F2 to get to the text console and log in as your user and then type the following command.

sudo /etc/init.d/lightdm stop

This will shut down Xorg and then you may run the installer to setup the Nvidia drivers.

If you are running Kubuntu; you would type this command.

sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop

Then enter this command to start the installation of the Nvidia drivers.

sudo sh ./

And follow the prompts and the drivers will be installed. Make sure you say yes to updating your xorg.conf file to enable the Nvidia driver when loading Xorg. Linux Mint supports Compiz features out of the box so you will be very happy. Windows 7 has nothing like Compiz and if you have Beryl then it should be even better. I love this Gnome desktop. Totem is a good music player, I do not want Xmms now, I can save a playlist and play it whenever I want to, Linux Mint enables all of the codecs you need by selecting an option on the main Gnome menu it downloads and installs the Gstreamer codecs and mplayer so you can play all of the music and video formats you would want to play.

If the kernel headers are not installed, then type this command to install them.

sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-source linux-headers


sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`

Then try the Nvidia installer again.

VMS running in QEMU. A very old operating system.
VMS running in QEMU. A very old operating system.

Qemu OS. Name this OS and you are good. I got this off the Internet. This was a drive image of an old OS. There is also the new version of DOS called Freedos and Reactos that is the free OS that can run Windows programs. And I bet it will be slightly more secure too. And there is the new version of the Amiga OS. When the Reactos is finished then it could definitely be a good alternative to the Windows Operating System from Redmond. Ubuntu is my favorite Operating System right now and I will not swap that for anything. I have used DOS 3.3 and MS DOS 5 and 6.22. DOS 5 sucks rotten Mountain Dew through a straw. I have downloaded and compiled a new kernel for Linux ( and I got my Compro DTV T-300 TV tuner card working, which will not work with the default kernel. But now it works very well, you have to go into the video for Linux options and select the right video capture card drivers. It should work right with the default kernel, but this Ubuntu 9.04 distribution is still a good version of Linux and is quite stable despite what some haters on Youtube say. They are only Windows drones who do not even give another OS a true test before they say that it does not work as well as Windows, when Ubuntu and Linux Mint really do run very well on modern hardware. They would not have a chance installing something like FreeBSD. If I and people like me are used to using Linux and are happy with it, then that is good. Do not criticize that.

There are videos on Youtube showing people that try to install Ubuntu on a old laptop and the installation program will not display, there are just wavy lines instead and they just dismiss that as being evidence of Ubuntu’s failings when they have no idea about how to fix it and just assume that is evidence of Linux being broken. The hardware might not be fully supported. I have had not many problems with Linux ever since Red Hat Linux 6.2 and Debian 3.0 and Mandrake Linux 9 and 10 and then OpenSUSE 9.2 and then 10.1, 10.2 and then Elive and now Ubuntu. I have even installed Free BSD and tried Open Solaris UNIX. New Linux users just need to do more research on all of the forums and websites that are dedicated to helping Linux users with their problems. At least they have the Internet and forums and countless websites to look for information on what to do. If they were back in the days of the Cray X-MP / 48, they would not have the Internet and all those webpages to tell them what commands to type, not in 1987.

And imagine loading a game off a tape reel instead of a CD or DVD? Maybe the Biggest computer was the Mark 1 in 1944. It had 500 miles of wire and 3 million electrical connections. A simple Multiplication could be done in six seconds and twelve seconds for a division. The ENIAC or Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator was unveiled in 1946. The machine was 100 feet long, 10 feet high and had 18000 vacuum tubes in it. It also consumed 140 kilowatts of electricity when it was running. I am sure that the server farms running Entropia Universe consume more than that nowadays though. I am sure that those knocking Ubuntu do not even know what a DEC PDP-8 is. Or a Tandy 1000 PC. Those were the days, when you had a 10 Megabyte hard disk that you had to fit DOS on and all of your applications.

Could they even decode this?


I thought not. Answers on a postcard.

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