Posted: 23 September 2013. At: 5:44 PM. This was 11 years ago. Post ID: 6324
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How to add a user to the sudoers file to allow them to use the sudo command.

How to add a user to the sudoers file to allow them to use the sudo command.

The /etc/sudoers file contains definitions of all the users that are allowed to use superuser privileges on Linux to perform various tasks as an administrator.

This is how to add a user to this file to allow them superuser privileges. Firstly; you must edit this file with the visudo command. This makes sure that the file is in the correct syntax and there are no errors.

Add the user thusly. Type su -c “visudo” and then add this line to the sudoers file.

user1 ALL=(ALL) ALL

This will add the user user1 to the sudoers file and that user will be able to run commands as a superuser. The sudoers file is owned by the root user; therefore you will not be able to view it as a normal user.

homer@hal9000:/etc$ cat sudoers
cat: sudoers: Permission denied

If you add this to your /etc/sudoers file with visudo; then you will be able to run a single command without being asked for a password. This is for the user “homer”.

Cmnd_Alias UMOUNT=/bin/umount         

It is also possible to add a lecture to sudo that will remind users of their obligations when running commands. This is very useful for printing any message you wish before a user runs a command with sudo.

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