Posted: 11 March 2024. At: 8:53 AM. This was 4 months ago. Post ID: 19349
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Get a listing of all Wireless networks near you using Ubuntu.

Getting a listing of all wireless networks around you is easy when you are using Ubuntu. Use the nmcli app to get this information. This even shows unnamed networks.

┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━◉:~$ nmcli dev wifi
IN-USE  BSSID              SSID                              MODE   CHAN  RATE        SIGNAL  BARS  SECURITY  
        C8:14:51:5F:A9:54  RustyCat                          Infra  52    405 Mbit/s  82      ▂▄▆█  WPA1 WPA2 
        10:13:31:D2:2F:23  TelstraD22F23                     Infra  11    195 Mbit/s  47      ▂▄__  WPA2      
        BA:BC:5B:45:6F:89  DIRECT-2X[TV] Samsung Q60 Series  Infra  36    270 Mbit/s  40      ▂▄__  WPA2      
        34:6B:46:D0:28:27  OPTUS_D02825_5GHz                 Infra  36    405 Mbit/s  32      ▂▄__  WPA2      
        62:35:1D:DB:03:1D  --                                Infra  100   540 Mbit/s  29      ▂___  WPA2      
        D6:35:1D:DB:03:1C  TelstraDB031C                     Infra  100   540 Mbit/s  27      ▂___  WPA2      
        62:B6:87:D3:CB:2C  --                                Infra  132   540 Mbit/s  25      ▂___  WPA2 WPA3 
        12:13:31:D2:2F:2D  --                                Infra  104   540 Mbit/s  24      ▂___  WPA2      
        12:13:31:D2:2F:2B  TelstraD22F23                     Infra  104   540 Mbit/s  24      ▂___  WPA2      
        AC:B6:87:D3:CB:2A  OPTUS_D3CB28N                     Infra  132   540 Mbit/s  24      ▂___  WPA2 WPA3

This shows a nice listing of the wireless networks. Even the aforementioned unnamed ones.

Plus the signal strength as well. This is using a cheap Realtek USB dongle from China.

This is another way to get a list of all wireless access points on Ubuntu.

┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━◉:~$ sudo iwlist wlx90de800f25c8 scan | grep ESSID
                    ESSID:"DIRECT-2X[TV] Samsung Q60 Series"

This is how to achieve this without using quotes in access point names.

┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━◉:~/Documents/wifi-radar-2.0.s08+dfsg$ sudo iwlist wlx90de800f25c8 scan | grep "ESSID:" | cut -d : -f 2,3,4,5,6,7,8 | tr -d '"'
DIRECT-2X[TV] Samsung Q60 Series

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