Install a very useful Youtube app on Linux and watch Youtube without a browser.

Watching Youtube in a browser is fun, but you may also use a nice app to watch Youtube instead. This is easily installed on a Linux machine. Install it like this. Firstly, download the Debian package from here. Then install the Debian package this way. ┌──(john㉿DESKTOP-PF01IEE)-[/mnt/c/Users/Intel i5/Downloads] └─$ sudo…

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What is happening with Youtube right now? No sidebar content?

Youtube is testing changes on a live site instead of an offline clone and now the sidebar has no links so it is harder to get to the Playlists and Watch later. This is very annoying indeed. The menu to access your channel is not loading either, this is very annoying. How am I supposed to watch videos bookmarked in the Watch Later section?

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Youtube RSS feeds died temporarily but now they are back.

Youtube RSS feeds died for a short time, but now they are back. These are a great way to get information about a Youtube user`s latest uploaded videos. This can allow access to the thumbnail file and the views count. Here is an example URL. This is a sample…

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Some very useful userscripts for use with Tampermonkey.

There are a lot of very useful userscripts on the Internet, these are just a few of the most useful ones. No YouTube Volume Normalization. This userscript will perform volume normalization on Youtube videos, this will help out when you are using Youtube for Vevo. Web Comic reader.….

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How to block related videos and the recommended movies section on Youtube.

This is how to block the related videos section and the recommended movies section on This should be very helpful when using uBlock Origin on the Internet. 4498 4499 4500 ! 2021-09-26 >[id^="item-section-"] > li:has(! 2021-09-26 >[id^="item-section-"] > li:has( This uBlock…

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How to view videos on Youtube and not count as a view.

Use this code in the uBlock Origin dashboard, and this will block Youtube views code, this allows viewing a video and your visit with a browser will not count views. ||* || || ||||* || || || This could be very useful for any Youtube user who does not care…

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How to save a Youtube playlist as mp3 files with Linux.

Saving a Youtube playlist as mp3 files is easy with Linux. The youtube-dl script is capable of handling this easily. You need to specify the playlist ID instead of the whole URL. Below is an example, this shows how easy it is to save a bunch of videos as mp3…

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A much better way to save audio from Youtube with youtube-dl.

Saving music from Youtube is fun. I am going to show how to save in good quality using youtube-dl by itself. This command will do it in one go. youtube-dl -f 140 –embed-thumbnail –extract-audio –audio-format mp3youtube-dl -f 140 –embed-thumbnail –extract-audio –audio-format mp3 This is the command in action….

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How to download a Youtube video as an MP3 with Linux.

Saving a Youtube video as audio and not video is very easy. This command below will save Youtube audio as an MP3 file. You need youtube-dl as well. Then select a Youtube video and use this one-liner to download it as an MP3 audio file. jason@jason-Lenovo-H50-55:~/Videos$ youtube-dl -f 140…

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How to download a Youtube video thumbnail on Linux.

Downloading a thumbnail of a Youtube video on Linux is very easy. This can be done using the youtube-dl script. Use this youtube-dl command to list all thumbnails for this video. ┌─[jason@jason-desktop]─[~/Pictures] └──╼ $youtube-dl –list-thumbnails [youtube] 0ttKUEI3rtM: Downloading webpage [info] Thumbnails for 0ttKUEI3rtM: ID width height URL 0 168…

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