WIFI security getting better, but needs work.

The security of WIFI networks is getting better, but they still need work. Many routers with the default configuration have settings for WPS that limit the number of tries for each PIN attempt. But it is still possible to de-authenticate a user on the Wireless network and then capture a…

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Trying to crack WPA2 WIFI.

I was trying to crack a WPA2 WIFI network just for fun. I managed to capture a handshake, but the password was not in the wordlist. but I now have a valid handshake that I can try and crack later on. This is the whole process. I started wifite with…

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Why you should have a very complex and secure WIFI PSK.

To secure your WIFI from attack, the best way, apart from a very secure Pre Shared Key is to disable WPS. This will really ensure that your network is safe from automated cracking tools. The WPS pixie attack is very effective at retrieving the PSK of a network that you…

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How easy it is to crack WIFI with the WPS Pixie attack.

This posting shows how easy it is to crack WIFI access points using the WPS Pixie attack. I needed Internet access and there was a vulnerable access point nearby. So I cranked up Parrot OS and cracked the WIFI access point in 5 minutes. Now I have cracked the WIFI…

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Why you should secure your WIFI access point. This is important.

Computer security in the modern world depends upon many factors. One of them is the security of your wireless access point. Some people have access points that have a weak password. This means that a malicious computer user with a Linux machine running aircrack can access your WIFI by cracking…

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Why you should always turn off WPS on your wireless network.

Many people are using wireless networks with WPS turned on. This allows a user to enter a pin or press a button to allow a new device to connect. But this approach will fall easily to brute force attacks unless the router has rate limiting enabled, this prevents brute forcing…

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