Ringworld habitat shown in Book of Boba Fett TV show.

The Book of Boba Fett TV show has showcased an artificial ringworld habitat in space, this is a massive artificial structure in the shape of a huge wheel. But the ringworld in the episode is very small. The Ringworld is about one million miles (1.6 million km) wide and approximately…

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Modern computing has its roots in the experimentation of old.

Modern computing is the result of generations of development and experimentation. This is the result of ingenious development of first, mechanical, and then electronic computers. These discoveries helped to make computing possible as a viable business application. In short, computers made us smarter. Our computers are now becoming smarter because…

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The simplest hello world program you can write in C.

This is a very simple Hello World program that you can write in C. int main (void) {   write (1, "Hello World\n", 14); return 0; }int main (void) { write (1, "Hello World\n", 14); return 0; } Just compile the program like this: localhost% cc minimal.c -o small minimal.c:…

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Facebook shutdown rumor false.

The Facebook website will allegedly be shut down next year, according to the Weekly World News. If Mark Zuckerberg was having so much trouble running the popular social networking website, then he should be able to pay someone else to take over the reins and run the site. I would…

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