Another way to reset the password for a WordPress user account. This PHP script when run on a web server will allow a webmaster to reset the Administrator password for a WordPress installation. This is another good way to reset the password if you forget it. If you have access to the MySQL command line you may also use that…

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Best WordPress plugins for 2019.

This is a selection of the best WordPress plugins for 2019. Akismet Anti-Spam This is the best way to stop spambots posting constant spam on your website. Having spam on your site cheapens it and makes it look unprofessional. This plugin protects your website without much need for intervention. Website:…

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Very annoying things that happen when using WordPress.

I hate it when a plugin author updates their plugin and upon updating it, you get a PHP error that prevents you from running your website, necessitating that you log into your Cpanel to fix the problem. That is great. Why can they not test the plugin first before deploying…

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Import a WordPress database dump into MySQL easily.

Importing a WordPress database dump into MySQL is very easy, I downloaded a very old backup of my old website, and I wanted to see what was in it. So I installed MySQL and then I had to create the database. mysql> CREATE DATABASE bejiitas_wrath;mysql> CREATE DATABASE bejiitas_wrath; This was…

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How to display excerpts in WordPress posts.

To display post excerpts in WordPress, put this code in the index.php <?php if(is_single() || is_page()) { ?> <?php the_content(__('(more…)’)); ?> <?php } else { ?> <?php the_excerpt(__('(more…)’)); ?> <? } ?><?php if(is_single() || is_page()) { ?> <?php the_content(__(‘(more…)’)); ?> <?php } else { ?> <?php the_excerpt(__(‘(more…)’)); ?> <? }…

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How to view the Admin account in the WordPress database using MySQL and a database dump.

How to view the Admin account in the WordPress database using MySQL. mysql> select * from wp_users where user_login = "Admin"; +—-+————+————————————+—————+————————+——————————+———————+———————+————-+————–+ | ID | user_login | user_pass | user_nicename | user_email | user_url | user_registered | user_activation_key | user_status | display_name | +—-+————+————————————+—————+————————+——————————+———————+———————+————-+————–+ | 1 | Admin | $P$Bt0QTjses0mAaASZtqYbcnz8zalQK71…

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How to install and configure the Apache2 web server on Ubuntu 12.10.

The Apache2 web server is a very powerful and useful web server that is used to host websites all around the world. This is available for the Ubuntu 12.10 Linux distribution. To install this; type this command. sudo apt-get install apache2 mysql-server php5sudo apt-get install apache2 mysql-server php5 This command…

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Securing your WordPress installation with Website Defender. Securing your WordPress installation is vital, the PHP installation as well as the MySQL database need to be protected. The Website Defender website offers a free service that will scan your website and offer suggestions on how to secure your WordPress installation and any other software that you have…

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