Cool hidden themes in Windows 7.

This theme pack is an archive of the hidden themes in Windows 7. These are extra regional themes. Go here to find these extra themes. C:\Windows\Globalization\MCTC:\Windows\Globalization\MCT This archive might be useful to Linux users who would want the wallpapers. Below is an archive of all of the wallpapers and…

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Windows 10 bash shell now better than ever before.

I have just installed the Windows 10 15025 build and the bash shell. I have to say that it works way better than earlier versions. The apt update and the apt upgrade commands worked straight away. And ping works now. The networking is greatly improved. This is a good asset…

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How to get wireless network information in Windows 7 with CMD.

Getting wireless network information from Windows 7 is easy with CMD and netsh. This post will show how easy this is without admin access. Listing all visible wireless networks on the machine with netsh. C:\Users\Corporal Kerry>netsh wlan show profile   Profiles on interface Wireless Network Connection:   Group policy profiles…

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How to get system information in Windows with CMD.

The systeminfo command for Windows allows a user to get comprehensive system information. The default usage outputs the most system information in one go. C:\Users\Corporal Kerry>systeminfo | clipC:\Users\Corporal Kerry>systeminfo | clip This command will output the system information in CSV format. C:\Users\Corporal Kerry>systeminfo /FO CSVC:\Users\Corporal Kerry>systeminfo /FO CSV Use the…

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How to pipe the output of a Windows command to the clipboard.

Pipe text to the clipboard from Windows CMD Apparently, there is an obscure feature in the Windows CMD prompt that allows users to pipe the output of a Windows CMD command on STDOUT to the Windows clipboard. The clip command allows this. For example. C:\Users\johnc>ipconfig | clipC:\Users\johnc>ipconfig | clip This…

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Windows 10 nag screen close button was starting the upgrade.

The Windows 10 nag screen was using a dirty trick that involved having the close button to start the installation. This is very annoying, firstly, you click the upgrade now button and it starts the upgrade, but now the close button was starting the upgrade? That is one dirty trick…

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Linux still a better option than Windows. The link above is to the Redhat 6.2 Linux distribution, the first version of Linux I used. It ran very well on a Celeron 600 with 64MB of RAM and integrated graphics. Linux has come so far since it was first released, the desktop has gotten even easier to…

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Windows 10 bash shell unimpressive to say the least.

The much-hyped Windows 10 bash shell is quite underwhelming to say the least. This is good as an SSH client and to browse the web using Lynx, but ping and ifconfig do not work at all. I could not get the MySQL server running either. This is what I get…

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Location of the filesystem that the Windows 10 bash shell uses.

Location of the Windows 10 bash shell files This is the location of the actual files that are installed when you install the Windows 10 bash shell. This means that it is not really a ext4 filesystem, but emulating this when you load it up in a CMD window. %localappdata%\lxss\rootfs%localappdata%\lxss\rootfs…

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Get information about your network connection with netstat on Windows.

Get network information on Windows with netstat Netstat on Windows can provide a lot of information about your network connection. This example shows netstat showing Ethernet statistics. c:\Windows\System>netstat -e Interface Statistics   Received Sent   Bytes 2307072092 27407417 Unicast packets 1757202 320154 Non-unicast packets 0 0 Discards 0 0 Errors…

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Windows 10 bash shell not very impressive at all.

The new Windows 10 bash shell is not very impressive once you get it installed. I have tried it and I could not ping websites even though Microsoft Edge could access the Internet. It is possible to install packages if these lines are added to the /etc/hosts file.…

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Windows 10 getting a Linux shell.

Windows 10 is getting a bash shell in the summer release. This is a couple of months away. But here are a couple of screenshots from developers I have found on the web that show what this will look like. Here a person is installing the bash shell using CMD….

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Linux bash shell coming to Windows 10.

Apparently, the Linux bash shell is coming to Windows 10. This will offer a fully functional Linux bash prompt in the Windows app store, a good alternative to Powershell. This is in partnership with Canonical who work on the Ubuntu Linux distribution. As long as this offers tools such as…

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Install a Windows 3.1 styled theme on Lubuntu.

How to have a Win 3.11 styled Linux theme on a Linux desktop. Firstly, download this theme and save it to your Computer. Extract the theme to your ~/.themes directory: This Classic `95 icon theme will provide Windows `95 styled icons to help complete the classic Windows look:….

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Get Prolific USB-serial adapter working with Windows 8.

Getting the Prolific USB serial adapter working with Windows 8 can be difficult. Especially if you are studying for CCNA and you need to access a 2960G switch on Windows with Putty. As strange as it may look, you need an outdated driver to make it work. The only working…

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