Windows 2000 source code leaked.

The Windows 2000 and Windows NT 3.51 source code has leaked on to the Internet. This is a very interesting release of code. I wonder how much of this code is still in Windows 10. it is nice to look back at older releases of Windows and see how it…

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Very useful CMD commands to use on a Windows machine.

To get system information about a Windows PC, use this simple command in CMD. systeminfo /FO CSV /NHsysteminfo /FO CSV /NH This should give the user a CSV formatted output that can be imported into a spreadsheet. Search a folder of text files for a specific text string. This is…

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Very nice Windows 7 basic aero theme for Linux GTK apps.

This theme I found is a very nice GTK theme for your Linux machine. This themes your desktop computer to look like Windows 7 basic. With a non-transparent Windows 7 styled GTK look and Window borders. Download the theme here. This is what this theme looks like. It is…

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Disable the caps lock key entirely on Windows with this simple registry hack.

This very simple .reg file will disable the caps lock key on your Windows machine. This will make typing less annoying when using the keyboard. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00   [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout] "Scancode Map"=hex:00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,02,00,00,00,00,00,3a,00,00,00,00,00Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout] "Scancode Map"=hex:00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,02,00,00,00,00,00,3a,00,00,00,00,00 Always back up your registry before using…

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NT 3.50 Build 782 (RC2) source code has been leaked.

The source code for the NT 3.50 Build 782 (RC2) source code has been leaked. This is a complete archive of source code for the operating system, a very old version of Windows NT. Here is some sample source code from the CMD utility, this is CMD.C. \PRIVATE\WINDOWS\CMD\CMD.C1 2 3…

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Microsoft putting anti Firefox ads in the start menu?

Microsoft is putting anti-Firefox ads on the start menu. This could be construed as anti-competitive practice. They want everyone to use Microsoft Edge instead of Firefox. I bet they hate Google Chrome as well. But their operating system is plagued by buggy horrible updates that always break key components like…

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Windows 8.1 still very annoying and insecure these days.

Windows 8.1 at the moment is giving me a lot of problems. There is constant disk activity at 0.1 megabytes per second. This is very annoying, there are Windows services doing this, but it only recently started. T think it is better to use Linux instead, which does not have…

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Windows 7 support ending in 2020.

Support for Windows 7 is ending in 2020. it will show a full-screen dialog explaining the risks of continued use after this time. This is the risk of running Windows, but it is also a problem if a user had an older version of Linux installed and did not install…

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Desktop environments of old were quite sleek and usable.

The desktop environments of old were very fast and sleek. The operating systems as a whole, with the old INIT systems, would load very fast indeed. What has gone wrong with Linux? The introduction of Systemd has slowed systems down. That is a shame. they used to load quite a…

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How to install .NET 3.51 on Windows easily with Powershell.

I had problems installing .NET 3.51 on Windows 8.1, the downloaded installed kept saying that it could not access the Internet to download and install the files, which is retarded. So I put in the Windows DVD and used the command below in an Administrator Powershell session. PS C:\Windows\system32> Dism…

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Windows more fragile than Linux.

Windows 8 is very fragile when it comes to getting malware, it is very easy to get a malicious program on it that can prevent it from running properly. And Windows 10 has compatibility issues with older applications and games. So there is not much choice when it comes to…

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