Looking after your Windows PC and some useful tricks.

Windows tips and tricks to secure your system Windows tips and tricks to secure your systemAdd a legal notice to the Windows login screenWrite protect USB drivesDisable autorun in Windows 10 Using Ccleaner to optimise the registry. The free Ccleaner application is very useful for cleaning the registry. This application…

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Why using Virtualization is very useful in this modern world.

Virtualisation in the modern world is useful for using spare server resources and allowing a server to perform multiple roles. This allows multiple virtual servers on one physical machine. Saving on infrastructure costs. A server machine can be a very expensive investment and if it can be used for multiple…

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Linux has many advantages over Windows.

The Linux distributions that are in common use all over the world have many advantages over the closed source operating systems such as Windows and Macintosh operating systems, the freedom to customize the distribution and create your own version of the distribution is the key strength of Linux. The Ubuntu…

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How to best enforce security in a local network situation.

Windows security on a local area network Windows tips and tricks to secure your systemAdd a legal notice to the Windows login screenWrite protect USB drivesDisable autorun in Windows 10Windows security on a local area networkStrong passwordsSecuring the Windows systemsPhysical securityEducating usersOnline security Strong passwords Enforcing strong passwords with Active…

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Some useful information about Windows 3.0.

Managing Memory in Windows 3.0. Nostalgia Piece. Flashback to 1991. Although it is already a year old by now, Windows 3.0 is still a bit mystifying. it has tremendous power, but its plethora of options and configuration commands makes most people wonder if they are getting all they can get…

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Interesting command line tricks on Windows.

There are quite a few interesting command-line tricks for Windows. Create a folder named CON. This is quite difficult to delete. echo "hello" > \\.\C:\Users\shawn\Documents\CONecho "hello" > \\.\C:\Users\shawn\Documents\CON Another interesting trick is one. C:\Users\Dyatlov\Downloads\testing>echo "" > ….::$INDEX_ALLOCATION The system cannot find the file specified.C:\Users\Dyatlov\Downloads\testing>echo "" > ….::$INDEX_ALLOCATION The system cannot…

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Theme your Gnome or MATE desktop in interesting ways.

The MATE desktop that comes with Ubuntu is very amenable to customization. One cool theme idea is to try and make it look like Windows. There are Windows Vista icons that are very nice. They can improve the look of your desktop a lot. Download them here: https://www.securitronlinux.com/linux/files/Vista.tar.gz. That would…

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Windows themes are very strange.

The Windows Server 2012 and the Windows 8 operating system both have the same theme; a strange-looking motif that is rather like a squared version of the Windows Basic theme. It is strange on a server operating system that you would have this instead of a more serious Windows Classic…

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Windows 11 reveal stream embarrassing and glitchy.

The reveal stream for Windows 11 was embarrassing, this kept glitching and pausing. This is Microsoft in 2021? Useless at streaming and coding Windows. Most of Windows is legacy 32bit code that the current programmers do not even understand and cannot edit as the documentation has gone missing. So Windows…

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Windows 11 desktop is looking very nice. Rather like KDE 4.

This is the default Windows 11 desktop interface. This has a much lighter look than earlier Windows releases, they are going for a very bright and airy look. Contrasting with the dark look of Windows 10. I chose to install Windows 11 Pro and this will be fun to look…

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A new version of Windows could be released by Microsoft?

Apparently, Microsoft is working on Windows 11. This might be a cloud-based version of Windows that makes use of Onedrive and can automatically save your work in the cloud. You do not need a full installation of Windows if you are only doing word processing or database work, that could…

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Very useful and obscure computing tips.

A disturbing amount of people do not know you can reopen your last tab in the Firefox browser with Control+Shift+T. If you use Windows you can drag and snap windows so you can work on stuff side by side. Apparently, pressing F5 on notepad.exe adds a timestamp to the current…

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Windows XP Program Manager source code.

Here is the source code to the Windows Program Manager, this is the main interface in Windows 3.1 and 3.11. This used program groups to organize various applications like Microsoft Office and accessories. As well as the ability to create your own program groups to organize your favorite applications. Download…

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One annoying feature in modern Ubuntu distributions.

The only annoying feature in the modern Ubuntu release is the automatic updates, this blocks me when I want to install a package as the package lock is held by the updater. I wish it would pop up a notification or even a small progress bar on the panel in…

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A couple of unused Windows XP screensavers I found.

I have come across a couple of unused Windows XP screensavers. These have never been seen by computer users before. They are Museum and Swoosh. The Museum screensaver is a 3d walk around an art gallery and random pictures from your Pictures folder appear on the walls like paintings. Below…

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