How to have the old scrollbar style in Firefox 100 on Windows 11.

The new Firefox 100 release is very good, but it has a new feature that inherits scrollbar behaviour from Windows 11. This means you get a floating scrollbar like an Android phone. But this is easily fixed. Search in the Start menu for “scrollbars”. Then click the Always show Scrollbars…

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How to install Windows Services for Linux on Windows 11.

Install Windows Services for Linux on Windows 11 To install the Windows Services for Linux on Windows 11, run the wsl –install command, this requires elevated privileges so run the Windows Terminal as Administrator to accomplish this. Windows PowerShell Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.   Install the latest…

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Windows 11 takes a bit of getting used to.

Windows 11 takes a bit of time to get used to. I am running this now instead of Windows 8.1 and this is quite strange. The context menu used for working with files has icons on the top for copy paste and other basic functions. This is very strange, but…

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List of supported processors for Windows 11 upgrade.

CPU models that are supported for installation of Windows 11 This is a list of all supported CPUs for the new Windows 11 release coming soon. TPM is required to install Windows 11, this is definite. So you must ensure you have the correct model of CPU to allow installation…

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