How to position a window on the Linux desktop when launching.

Positioning a window on your Linux desktop is very easy, the –geometry parameter allows positioning a window easily. An easy way to start multiple instances of an application and then be able to position them all side by side. ┌──(john㉿DESKTOP-PF01IEE)-[/mnt/c/Users/Intel i5/Videos] └─$ mpv –geometry=208:0 NOLm_CarChase_0105_1000k.mp4┌──(john㉿DESKTOP-PF01IEE)-[/mnt/c/Users/Intel i5/Videos] └─$ mpv –geometry=208:0 NOLm_CarChase_0105_1000k.mp4…

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Some very useful resources for classic Linux window managers.

There are a lot of classic Linux desktop environments that emulate the look of other desktop environments or are just very nice to use. Here are some good tips and resources for classic Linux window managers. WindowMaker is one classic desktop environment. This emulates the look of the NextStep operating…

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Some alternative window managers for Linux and UNIX machines.

The FVWM window manager is a light alternative to the bloated default Ubuntu desktop. This is a window manager like TWM, but with more features. Download a copy and get more information here: TWM is the default window manager that ships with the Xorg distribution. This is a very…

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How to play a movie with mpv in your terminal window.

This command will display an image in your terminal. Very useful for viewing images without using an external image viewer. mpv –no-config –pause –vo=tct –no-config –pause –vo=tct Play a movie in your terminal window with mpv. 4.4 Thu Nov 29 jason@Yog-Sothoth 0: $ mpv –no-config –vo=tct fc4.mp44.4 Thu…

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How to get information about a window on your Linux desktop.

Getting detailed information about a window on your Linux desktop is very easy. The Xwininfo command is very useful for getting this information. Run the command and then click a window to get detailed information about a window. jason@jason-desktop:~$ xwininfojason@jason-desktop:~$ xwininfo Absolute upper-left X: 498 Absolute upper-left Y: 47 Relative…

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Good suggestions for Ubuntu tiling window managers.

The Ubuntu Linux distribution has come a long way with the development of the Unity desktop interface that is built on top of the Gnome Shell desktop interface and looks just like the Apple Macintosh interface. The awesome window manager is a better choice for dual monitors, that is what…

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CDE UNIX desktop available on Debian 6.0 Squeeze.

UNIX CDE desktop available for the Debian Linux distribution. The old UNIX CDE desktop is a very interesting and useful desktop environment. The modern desktop environments such as Gnome 3, Unity and the KDE 4 desktops are focused more on eye candy instead of actual fast and usable window management…

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Installing E17 on Ubuntu 12.04 Precise pangolin.

Installing E17 on Ubuntu Installing the E17 Enlightenment desktop on Ubuntu 12.04 is very easy, just type this command in a terminal emulator window. sudo apt-get install e17sudo apt-get install e17 And then all the packages will be installed. You will need to convert old themes into the new format…

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