Search all processes for certain matches using wildcards.

The ps command lists all running processes on your Linux machine, this is how to fine-tune this and search for certain processes using wildcards. Use this example command line to find all Apache HTTP server instances. ps -ef | grep -i apache*ps -ef | grep -i apache* This is the…

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Useful Linux shell tricks. Using Brace expansions to create folders.

The Linux command-line offers many useful methods of creating many folders on your computer at once.  This command will create a few folders on your system named one,two,three,four and create the folders five,six,seven,eight within each folder created. ~$ mkdir -p {one,two,three,four}/five/six/seven/eight~$ mkdir -p {one,two,three,four}/five/six/seven/eight This command will create four folders…

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A correction I have to make regarding the Powershell and wildcards. The bash shell is still better though.

I need to correct what I said in this posting: and also this one. regarding the Powershell and its handling of certain constructs that I mentioned in this posting: It turns out that the Powershell does support this after all as shown in this sample below. PS C:\Users\Homer\Documents>…

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