How to get an excerpt from a video with FFmpeg.

Extracting an excerpt from a video is very useful, this is how to do it. The command below extracts an excerpt from a video at 00:00:05 to 00:00:15. This is scaled to 640×360 pixels and is good quality. ┌──[[email protected]]─[~/Videos] └──╼ ╼ $ ffmpeg -v 1 -i agropromfun.mp4 -ss 00:00:05 -to…

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Easily capture a good quality webm of a movie clip with ffmpeg.

This simple one-liner will capture a high-quality webm file from a movie. 4.4 Thu May 07 jason@Yog-Sothoth 0: $ ffmpeg -i inputmovie.avi -ss 51:43.02 -t 7 -c:v libvpx -b:v 3200k -an -sn -copyts -threads 4 guns1.webm4.4 Thu May 07 jason@Yog-Sothoth 0: $ ffmpeg -i inputmovie.avi -ss 51:43.02 -t 7 -c:v…

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Convert a short video clip to a nice webm easily.

Converting a short video clip to a small webm file is very easy. Firstly, do this as part 1 of the two pass encoding process. ffmpeg -i BarakaClip.mkv -c:v libvpx -deadline good -cpu-used 5 -b:v 1000K -qmax 50 -an -f null -ffmpeg -i BarakaClip.mkv -c:v libvpx -deadline good -cpu-used 5…

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How to encode a section of a movie to a webm file with mpv.

To encode a section of a movie file to a high-quality webm file, use this simple addon for mpv. Firstly run this command to create a directory to put the lua script. mkdir -p ~/.config/mpv/scriptsmkdir -p ~/.config/mpv/scripts Then download the required script to the directory we created. This is located…

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How to record your Linux desktop to a mkv file with ffmpeg.

Record your Linux desktop to a video file and showcase it on Youtube To get a simple desktop recording of your Linux desktop for teaching purposes or any other use, just follow this guide. This command below. will record a high-quality video file of your Linux desktop to an MKV…

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Lovely webm I made with ffmpeg.

I made this webm using ffmpeg. Firstly, I ripped a section of video. ffmpeg -i starwars.mkv -vcodec copy -acodec copy -ss 00:19:23 -to 00:19:33 out.mkvffmpeg -i starwars.mkv -vcodec copy -acodec copy -ss 00:19:23 -to 00:19:33 out.mkv Then I did the first pass of two pass encoding. ffmpeg -i out.mkv -c:v…

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Creating webm video clips on Linux using ffmpeg.

The /g/ wiki has a good guide for creating webm video clips from your existing video content using ffmpeg. This is not very difficult and allows you to post the completed videos on your website. Firefox and Iceweasel have native support for the webm format; this is an easy way…

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How to encode a video to webm format and use it as a GIF replacement.

This is how to encode a video to webm format without sound to create a GIF replacement. The ffmpeg utility allows encoding a video in different formats. This is the perfect command for encoding a good quality webm video. ffmpeg -i gzdoom_2012_11_04_20_34_10_391.avi -ss 00:01:00.000 -to 00:01:20.000 \ -codec:v libvpx -quality…

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