Some very useful userscripts for use with Tampermonkey.

There are a lot of very useful userscripts on the Internet, these are just a few of the most useful ones. No YouTube Volume Normalization. This userscript will perform volume normalization on Youtube videos, this will help out when you are using Youtube for Vevo. Web Comic reader.….

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The old web is vanishing.

The many websites I used to enjoy like forums are vanishing and are not all being archived. This is a pity, especially if the forums had various solutions on them that another forum does not have, then the information is lost forever. But this is the evolution of the Internet….

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Find insecure web servers easily with these Google Dorks.

These easy to use Google Searches make finding insecure web servers very easy. This one finds servers with publicly accessible pages that show web site status. They even have a complete listing of all ports and whether they are open or not! intitle:"web server status" SSH Telnetintitle:"web server status" SSH…

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How to get the geographical location of an IP address.

How to get the geographical location of an IP address. This simple command will get this for you. [jason@darknet:~] curl ; echo "" { "ip": "", "hostname": "No Hostname", "city": "", "region": "", "country": "TH", "loc": "13.7500,100.4667", "org": "AS9737 TOT Public Company Limited" }[jason@darknet:~] curl ; echo ""…

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Thoughts on the new Apple SSL vulnerability.

The new Apple SSL vulnerability is a concerning bug in the Apple Macintosh iOS and desktop operating systems. This allows SSL spoofing as it will allow a faked SSL vulnerability to pass as a real one. Apparently it uses ports 1266 & 1267, if you block these with your firewall,…

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Why is Responsive Web Design Important?

The onslaught of technological innovations over the last decade posed an enormous challenge to web developers in adapting to the various devices, platforms and browsers. Every day we see a new smart phone, tablet and notebooks being launched and this mad invasion of Technology is only meant to grow bigger…

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First Hypertext page ever created resurrected in 2013! This is the first Hypertext page ever created; the page that was the first to use hyperlinks and gave us a connected and more informed future. This is a page using some very old HTML 1.0 code with<DD> tags that I have not seen for a very long time….

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