How to get a good old fashioned text boot with Ubuntu 18.04.

This GRUB config in the /etc/default/grub file will give a good old-fashioned text boot instead of the graphical bootsplash that we are all familiar with. This works very well on my system, and the user can see exactly what is happening when the machine is booting up. This allows the…

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Dump the contents of a virtual console with this command.

There is a simple way to dump the contents of a virtual console to a file, the screendump command is the best way to achieve this. ubuntu ~ $ sudo screendump Ubunt * Stopping System V runlevel compatibility [ OK ] u 14.0 * Starting execute cloud user/final scripts […

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How to change the Virtual Terminal font in Debian and Ubuntu easily.

To change the font in the Virtual Terminal in Debian or Ubuntu/Linux Mint, run this command. sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setupsudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup This lets you select the various character sets and fonts to customize your virtual terminal. jason@jason-desktop:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup [sudo] password for jason: Your console font configuration will be…

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