IT security is very important in this modern age.

Information Security is very important these days, I have made a listing below of a few penetration testing tools that are very useful for finding weaknesses in the security of your business. This is good when you have a network connected to the Internet, you must ensure that only necessary…

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Theresa May to make encryption and free software illegal in the UK.

Theresa May is trying to make encryption illegal in the UK. She wants Content Service Providers to use Deep Packet Inspection to analyze the data sent over provider networks using probes embedded in the packet flow over the network. The Home Office seemed confident that this was technically possible. Other…

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Mandatory data retention laws passed the senate this week.

Mandatory data retention laws passed the senate this week. The premise is to fight against Islamic terrorist attacks by retention of ISP customer data. But this will not work out right from the start. ISP`s are confused by the 400 page document that outlines what they must retain, and they…

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How to get an OpenVPN server working on Ubuntu 14.04.

This guide, [] has a good guide to setting up an OpenVPN server on a Linux machine. I used this guide as the other guides online are not as good and often do not lead to a satisfactory result. I am using one on Linux and I can connect to…

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My Mikrotik PPTP configuration file. This is a working config.

This is a working PPTP configuration I used to connect two Mikrotik routers together using a PPTP configuration on a local LAN. # jan/01/2002 01:56:00 by RouterOS 6.2 # software id = 8HHI-TYLD # /interface bridge add admin-mac=D4:CA:6D:31:02:53 auto-mac=no l2mtu=1598 name=bridge-local \ protocol-mode=rstp /interface wireless set 0 band=2ghz-b/g/n channel-width=20/40mhz-ht-above disabled=no…

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