Why using Virtualization is very useful in this modern world.

Virtualisation in the modern world is useful for using spare server resources and allowing a server to perform multiple roles. This allows multiple virtual servers on one physical machine. Saving on infrastructure costs. A server machine can be a very expensive investment and if it can be used for multiple…

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Companies using virtualization to empower their business.

Companies and institutions using virtualization There are many companies using virtualization. One is the University of Arkansas. This campus has facilitated new distance learning and resource sharing approaches by deploying virtual virtual systems on an IBM zEnterprise mainframe that may be used for student exercises. Another example is Transzap. This…

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Discussion of virtualization and database servers.

I have been researching a system for deploying a database cluster. I have chosen the Microsoft SQL Server product. This does support server clustering and uses nodes clustered together on a network to create a failover network that will automatically maintain operation if one node is to fail. A virtual…

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