How to script an artillery piece to fire on a certain position in Arma 3.

To make an artillery piece to fire on a certain spot in the editor, firstly, place the Scorcher unit, name it “arty1” and put this code in the init. this addeventhandler ["fired", {(_this select 0) setvehicleammo 1}]this addeventhandler ["fired", {(_this select 0) setvehicleammo 1}] This will give it unlimited ammo….

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Comparison of virtualization server platforms.

Some popular virtualization solutions The two competing virtualization solutions, VMware and HyperV both allow virtualization to be installed on a server or client machine to allow the creation of virtual machines to test operating systems and/or use spare computing resources to run a virtualized server instance without requiring the user…

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Get to runlevel 3 in Linux Mint 18.1

To get to runlevel 3 in Linux Mint, press the Control-Alt-F2 key combination and login at the virtual terminal, then run this command to shut down the login manager. sudo service mdm stopsudo service mdm stop Then you may use the Linux Mint virtual terminal instead of the desktop if…

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How to use the virtual console on modern Linux distributions.

The virtual consoles are six virtual terminals that allow the Linux user to administer their Linux system in a text-only environment. If you are on your Linux desktop, press Ctrl-Alt-F1 to get to the first virtual terminal. Use the Alt-F2 key combination to get to the next virtual console. Or…

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Windows 1.0 in Virtual PC. A look at Windows 1.0 and the new features it offered. [] This is an interesting article where someone has gotten Windows 1.0 installed in a Virtual Machine on a modern Windows machine and taken a look at the applications that were shipped with the release of this ancient operating system. Now this is a blast from the past, Windows…

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