Download only the audio from a video on Vimeo.

The video hosting site Vimeo works the same as Youtube, it has separate files for video and audio that are put together to play an online video. This can be downloaded easily with a script. The youtube-dl script can download only the audio from a Youtube video, and it can…

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How to download videos from websites in 2019.

I having problems with Xvideo service thief in 2019. I cannot get it to download any video files anymore. But youtube-dl still works. Run sudo youtube-dl -U to update it, then it still works. I downloaded a Youtube video easily with it. jason@Yog-Sothoth:~$ youtube-dl [youtube] 82u6gWS-dP4: Downloading webpage [youtube]…

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How to download video from video sites easily on Ubuntu 17.04.

Downloading clips with clipgrabWatch Youtube videos with MPVDownload Youtube videos while playing them with mpv If the xvideoservicethief application does not work for you in 2019, give this one a go instead, it is working very well on multiple websites: it is called Clibgrab and does the same job…

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How to watch a Vimeo video in VLC media player.

To watch a Vimeo in VLC, we need to capture the actual video URL. Firstly, copy the video URL from the address bar. Then paste this into the Open Network Stream option. After a short wait the video will open in VLC. This is how easy it is to…

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