Useful VIM tips when using this editor on Linux.

Some very useful VIM tips when using this editor on Linux. When you open a folder instead of a file in VIM, you get a directory listing and this allows you to select a file. Just scroll down to the file you want to open and press ENTER. " ============================================================================…

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Alternative ways of using the bash shell on Linux.

There are many ways to use the bash shell on Linux. It has different key binding options and the ability to navigate to a directory by typing the name alone. set -o vi bind -m vi-insert "\C-l":clear-screenset -o vi bind -m vi-insert "\C-l":clear-screen This will enable VIM styled keybindings for…

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Read a file from the Internet directly into VIM.

The VI text editor is a very flexible text editor. This can read from STDIN, and this makes it very good to use in a script. But you can also read a file from the Internet. This works in concert with the wget utility. The wget -O- -q command reads…

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Some very useful VIM tricks for the Linux/UNIX user.

VIM is a very useful and versatile editor for Linux. This is how to use it to its full potential. Some great VIM tricks to help for a Linux user or programmer. To read the output of a command into a text file, use the :r command in the command…

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How to install the new VIM 8.1 release from source code.

Installing the new VIM release from source is very easy. I have this running on Ubuntu 17.10 and it is great, the editor allows the user to open a terminal within the editor. Make a new folder to download the files into. Go into the directory, and then run this…

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Useful tips and tricks for the UNIX VIM editor.

When in command mode, press the u key to undo the last change to a file. Press U to undo last change(s) on a line. To open a file at a certain line, start it like this: vim +567 file.txt. This will open the file file.txt on line 567. Using…

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Using the VIM editor for Linux.

Using the VIM editor for Linux is a good way to edit configuration files and write programming code. if the VIM editor is not installed on your system then type sudo apt-get install vim. To type text once you have entered the editor, press the i key to enter editing…

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