Very useful Linux tips for a desktop Ubuntu user.

Write an ISO to a thumb drive easily with the etcher utility Download this utility from the Github site. Then unpack the zip file to a empty folder, or to your desktop. Then make it executable. jason@Yog-Sothoth » Desktop » $ chmod +x etcher-electron-1.4.4-x86_64.AppImage Then run the AppImage to…

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Get Prolific USB-serial adapter working with Windows 8.

Getting the Prolific USB serial adapter working with Windows 8 can be difficult. Especially if you are studying for CCNA and you need to access a 2960G switch on Windows with Putty. As strange as it may look, you need an outdated driver to make it work. The only working…

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How I got my Realtek RTL2832 DVB-T USB adapter working on Debian 7.1.

I recently bought a TVstick branded USB TV tuner that had the Realtek Rtl2832UDVB chipset inside. Following the instructions on this site: I was able to get this device working with the 3.2 kernel on Debian Linux 7.1. Firstly; retrieve the source code for the drivers. git clone –depth=1…

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