Updating to the very latest Debian release.

How to easily update your Debian Buster installation to Bullseye easily. This is not too hard at all. 1. Make sure all your packages are up to date. Run sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade. 2. Make sure gcc-8-base is installed and up to date. 3. Edit your /etc/apt/sources.list…

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Linux 5.3 kernel on Ubuntu is very good.

I have just upgraded to a 5.3 kernel on Ubuntu, and it is very good to use. I tried the newest 4.15 kernel and my sound hardware was not detected, so I installed the 5.3 kernel instead. This is a great improvement. Removing the snapd service was a good way…

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How to upgrade from Ubuntu 17.10 to Ubuntu 18.04.

To upgrade an older release of Ubuntu to the new 18.04 release, just use this command as the superuser. jason@Yog-Sothoth » ~ » $ sudo do-release-upgrade This will take a while, but will upgrade your Linux system to the new Ubuntu release. Make sure that after the upgrade is done,…

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Best way to upgrade your Ubuntu distro to a new version.

I recently had to upgrade an Ubuntu 14.04 system to the latest release. I ran the command below and my system was upgraded to Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. sudo do-release-upgradesudo do-release-upgrade This was run over SSH, but I did not lose my connection, and it was quite a painless experience. This…

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Windows 10 nag screen close button was starting the upgrade.

The Windows 10 nag screen was using a dirty trick that involved having the close button to start the installation. This is very annoying, firstly, you click the upgrade now button and it starts the upgrade, but now the close button was starting the upgrade? That is one dirty trick…

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Jumping on the Windows 10 bandwagon too early.

A lot of users are jumping on the Windows 10 upgrade bandwagon too early. This operation system has been in development for a while, but upgrading straight after release is not the best option. Best to wait until after everyone else has been installing the operating system and has reported…

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How to upgrade a single package if needed using apt.

This command will update a single package upon request. This would be very useful if you want to update only one critical package on a Debian system. dpkg -s <package> 2>/dev/null | grep -q Status.*installed && sudo apt-get install <package>dpkg -s <package> 2>/dev/null | grep -q Status.*installed && sudo apt-get…

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Chinese government switching to Linux instead of Windows 8.1.

The Chinese government is considering a switch to Linux on the desktop to replace the ageing fleet of Windows XP machines currently in use. The ban on Windows 8 has made it necessary to find an alternative to Microsoft software that is currently in use in the country. This is…

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Linux Mint 16 release will be named “Petra”.

The next release of the Linux Mint 16 distribution code named “Petra” will be released in November. This will include the new KDE 4.11 desktop interface as well as many other enhancements and upgrades. I am looking forward to this release. This is the best desktop environment around and is…

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