Linux needs more freedom of choice.

The Linux distributions that are released these days do not give you any choice in desktop environments compared to the old SUSE Linux distribution that came on a DVD image with a heap of different desktop environments to use whenever you desired. Sure, the Debian GNU/Linux distribution and its child…

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Ubuntu Unity desktop still very annoying compared to MATE.

The Ubuntu Unity desktop environment is very annoying compared to the MATE alternative. I keep getting notifications that an app has stopped working, like Redshift, and then it loads it up again and it is running twice. Why does this even happen? With the MATE desktop environment, it is very…

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Some very useful Gnome 3 tips for Linux users.

Use the Gnome favorites barUse a blue light filter for GnomeSet GTK 3.0 theme with command line Use the Gnome favorites bar To add applications to the favorites bar on the left of the screen in Gnome 3, just right click on any application icon in the applications menu and…

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How to get the Unity Tweak Tool running in Ubuntu 17.10.

I was trying to run the Unity Tweak Tool on Ubuntu 17.10 and I got this error. jason@kaio:~$ unity-tweak-tool /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/UnityTweakTool/ PyGIWarning: Gtk was imported without specifying a version first. Use gi.require_version(’Gtk’, ‘3.0’) before import to ensure that the right version gets loaded. from gi.repository import Gtk Error: schema com.canonical.notify-osd not…

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More lovely GTK themes for Linux and Android desktops.

GTK themes . Vertex. Vertex is a theme for GTK 3, GTK 2, Gnome-Shell and Cinnamon. It supports GTK 3 and GTK 2 based desktop environments like Gnome, Cinnamon, Mate, XFCE, Budgie, Pantheon, etc. Ceti 2. The GTK3 theme supports Gnome 3.8, 3.10 and 3.12, but the Gnome…

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The new Ubuntu 14.04 Unity desktop. Some cool new features.

The new Ubuntu 14.04 Unity desktop has some cool features. The icons on the sidebar launcher may be re-sized to 16 pixels in size. This allows the launcher bar to take up even less space. And the new 3.13 kernel includes many enhancements over the old 3.12 release. Firefox 25.0…

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How to install the Ubuntu Unity desktop in Linux Mint 15.

How you can install the Ubuntu Unity desktop on your Linux Mint 15 system. use this command to install the Lightdm login manager; the Unity desktop and other assorted paraphernalia that goes with it. I just did this today with Mint and this worked. You need the ubuntu-desktop package installed…

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How to enable LLVM rendering in Unity on Linux Mint and Ubuntu.

The Unity desktop in Ubuntu 13.04 supports a different rendering mode that will increase performance on lower specced machines. To enable this, enter the command below to create an empty file in the /etc/X11/Xsession.d directory. sudo touch /etc/X11/Xsession.d/99force-llvmsudo touch /etc/X11/Xsession.d/99force-llvm Then type sudo vim.tiny /etc/X11/Xsession.d/99force-llvm and enter this text. export…

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Quality GTK 3 themes for Gnome Shell and the Linux Mint 14 MATE desktop.

Faience: This is a GTK 3 theme that will make your Gnome Shell desktop look exquisite. This has awesome brushed aluminium styled switches for controls in the GTK windows. This is one theme that you must install. Hope GTK 3: Another quality GTK 3 theme for Gnome Shell. Well…

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Ubuntu spotted in the wild running on a promotional booth.

The Ubuntu Linux distribution has been spotted once again; this time running on a promotional booth. This is yet another sighting of the very useful and powerful desktop OS that is revolutionizing computing all over the world. It is clear that this distribution will be the most popular one yet….

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My experiences using the Ubuntu 12.10 distribution on the desktop.

After my experiences with the installation of the Ubuntu 12.10 Linux distribution in Virtualbox; finding that even with the latest Virtualbox 4.22 release the Ubuntu 12.10 Unity desktop is still very slow; I have installed this distribution onto a 2 terabyte hard disk and I am currently downloading the fglrx…

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