Useful filters for 4chanX. These are very good to have.

Put all Linux threads first in the catalogue on the /g/ board. Click 4chanX settings and then the filter tab. Go to the subject section and add this as a filter. /Linux/i;highlight;top:yes/Linux/i;highlight;top:yes Filter all country flags on the /pol/ board. This is a uBlock origin filter, add this in the…

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Very useful uBlock Origin filters for cleaning up websites. Make Twitter cleaner and faster.

Very useful ublock Origin rules These filter rules for uBlock Origin will remove the annoying news and suggestions from the right side of the Twitter website, this makes the website much cleaner. ! 2021-11-09! 2021-11-09 Block the ending screen boxes in Youtube videos. This…

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How to block scripts in Firefox with uBlock origin.

Blocking scripts in uBlock origin is very easy, if you know the path to an annoying script, it may be easily blocked. Open the dashboard in uBlock origin and use the code below to block the script. ! 2021-05-25 ||$script,! 2021-05-25 ||$script, This is another example, blocking the…

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How to view videos on Youtube and not count as a view.

Use this code in the uBlock Origin dashboard, and this will block Youtube views code, this allows viewing a video and your visit with a browser will not count views. ||* || || ||||* || || || This could be very useful for any Youtube user who does not care…

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Ebay website running scripts to port scan visitors.

The Ebay online-shopping website is running scripts to port scan users and determine if they are using a VPN and possibly attempting fradulent activity. But this is a compromise of security and trust. This can be blocked though. There is a lot of information about this here: Judging by…

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4chan filter rules to block unwanted ads and scripts.

These are very useful filter rules for uBlock Origin, that will block unwanted scripts and trackers on 4chan. The admin of 4chan is putting tracker scripts and images in the website that track all visitors. This is a way to get around this and browse safely. @@||^*$csp=default-src ‘self’ *…

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How to get uBlock Origin working with Firefox 55.

The current version of Firefox 55 broke uBlock Origin. To get it working again, install the version of uBlock from the development channel. Scroll down the bottom of this page and select the development channel button. This gets it working again instantly. This is the thing with free software,…

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