How to increase the size of a Virtualbox VDI disk image on a Macintosh computer. And other useful tips.

How to expand a VDI disk image on a Macintosh computer: This would also be applicable to a Linux machine. A very useful tip. How to add a standard user to the /etc/sudoers file on a Macintosh computer: This is also applicable to a Linux machine. How to…

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How to install µTorrent Server on Linux Mint 15.

This is a relatively painless process if you follow this tutorial. Note that I am using a 64bit operating system. First off; download the µtorrent client here: If it is in the ~/Downloads folder then type: tar -xvf utorrent-server-3.0-ubuntu-10.10-27079.tar.gztar -xvf utorrent-server-3.0-ubuntu-10.10-27079.tar.gz Install the required libssl component. sudo apt-get install…

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How to install and configure the Apache2 web server on Ubuntu 12.10.

The Apache2 web server is a very powerful and useful web server that is used to host websites all around the world. This is available for the Ubuntu 12.10 Linux distribution. To install this; type this command. sudo apt-get install apache2 mysql-server php5sudo apt-get install apache2 mysql-server php5 This command…

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