The KDE Trinity desktop has all of the classic themes.

The KDE Trinity desktop has all of the good themes that users of KDE 2.2 would remember. These are great themes, there was another KDE theme I miss from the olden days. It was a stone look-alike theme that was very nice, but I cannot find it on the Internet….

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KDE 3 is back. I am running Trinity desktop and loving it.

This is the Ubuntu distribution running the Trinity desktop for Linux. This is a reworking of KDE 3 to operate on a modern Linux distribution. I added this to my /etc/apt/sources.lst for Ubuntu 18.04. deb bionic main deb bionic main deb-src bionic main deb-src bionic maindeb…

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Linux in the movies and television. Some famous appearances.

In the television series “Heroes” a KDE desktop was spotted running the Kopete application. A screenshot below. This is a Mandriva distribution displaying part of the Kmix window and a live webcam application. We all know about the famous scene in the Matrix Reloaded where Trinity is cracking the Matrix…

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Matrix style skill uploading to your brain to be possible.

According to this article, the technology shown in the Matrix movie where the characters downloaded new skills into their brains through a neural link has been invented using current technology. This is using an Magnetic Resonance Machine to capture the brain activity associated with performing a certain task and then…

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