Christian dark ages set back humanity.

The Stop Online Piracy Act is getting continued attention from Internet users like Chris Pirillo and others that are warning as many people as possible about this danger to Internet freedom that we face. The Muslim countries are trying this as well, they want to censor their web to stop…

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Dominos Pizza company planning a moon base store.

The Dominos Pizza company are planning to build a store on the moon, the Pizza Hut company delivered a pizza to the International Space Station and now Dominos wants to outdo them by constructing a dome-shaped restaurant on the moon. Construction firm Maeda Corp has come up with the design…

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Ugandan space program is underway.

The Ugandan space program is all set after the announcement that space enthusiasts in the third world country are constructing a space shuttle that they are planning to put into space within six years. How they are going to actually get this contraption into space is a good question, The…

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