Awesome Gnome/MATE Motif theme. Make your MATE desktop look like CDE.

This theme for Gnome or MATE desktops will theme your GTK applications to look like the old CDE desktop: Get this one if you want a classic look for your desktop. Download this theme here:

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Transforming Ubuntu to look like Windows 7. This tutorial will explain this process.

This posting on Ask Ubuntu has a great tutorial explaining how you can transform your Ubuntu installation and make it look like Windows 7. This is a great idea. You can fool people into thinking that you are running an operating system from Redmond WA and not Linux. Here…

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How to install some cool GTK themes in Fedora 19 MATE.

To install some awesome GTK themes for Fedora 19 MATE; type this command. yum install gtk-equinox-engine.x86_64 gtk-nimbus-engine.x86_64 gtk-nodoka-engine.x86_64yum install gtk-equinox-engine.x86_64 gtk-nimbus-engine.x86_64 gtk-nodoka-engine.x86_64 To install some extra wallpapers and a couple of extra themes for Fedora, use this command. yum install gnome-themes-legacy.noarch gnome-theme-curvylooks.noarch desktop-backgrounds-waves.noarchyum install gnome-themes-legacy.noarch gnome-theme-curvylooks.noarch desktop-backgrounds-waves.noarch There is a…

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Cool new themes for the Ubuntu and Linux Mint desktops.

These themes that you can download from theme the toolbars in Nautilus and make it much more attractive. These are very good themes to use with the MATE desktop as well. Zoncolor themes for Ubuntu and MATE. These are very customisable themes for your Linux desktop. Ubuntu…

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Some very good Gnome Shell themes for Ubuntu and Linux Mint 15. Nord Gnome Shell theme, now compatible with Gnome 3.6. LittleBigMod Gnome Shell 3.6 theme. A very good and sleek theme. London Smoke theme for Gnome Shell 3.4. Malys theme for Gnome Shell 3.4.1. Another quality theme for your Linux desktop. Darkair Gnome Shell theme. A…

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Useful Linux links and information for users of all Linux distributions. Some very useful and attractive themes and wallpapers for Linux Mint MATE and other desktops. How to install a Windows 7 Basic styled theme for the MATE desktop. how to install a Windows 8 Metacity theme for the Gnome and MATE desktops. This one is really good….

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Lovely icon themes for your Linux Mint gnome desktop.

OSX Nostalgie: This icon theme is a copy of the default icon theme for Macintosh OSX. Faenza: This is the highest rated icon theme on the Gnome Look website. Win2-7: The Windows 7 transformation pack for Gnome. This will make your Linux desktop look like Windows 7….

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Awesome elegance colors theme for Gnome Shell, this can change colors automatically.

Some beautiful GTK themes for Linux Mint and Ubuntu This awesome new theme for Gnome Shell has the ability to change colors automatically depending upon the wallpaper the user has at the moment. This would be very good for a user that wants a dynamically changing desktop experience whenever…

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Lovely Linux Mint GDM themes that you can also use for the MDM login manager.

There are some lovely MDM themes here: These would be perfect for any Linux Mint 15 machine. The MDM login manager in Linux Mint 15 has the ability to load GDM themes as well as new animated HTML5 themes. These themes are perfect for any user that wants to…

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Cool GTK and Metacity theme to make MATE look like CDE.

GTK MATE theme: This is a lovely grey theme that themes the GTK interface to look like CDE. The Metacity theme that completes the CDE look: This is perfect if you want a retro-looking Linux Mint 15 MATE desktop. Blue Sun GTK theme: This is a very…

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Awesome GTK themes for Linux Mint 15. Some even better themes for Linux desktops.

Some awesome themes for the Linux Mint 15 MATE desktop. Numix: This is a very nice flat theme for MATE that is very monochome and stylish. Clearlooks Phenix: This is a GTK 3 port of the venerable Clearlooks theme. Holo: This is a very good theme that…

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Quality GTK 3 themes for Gnome Shell and the Linux Mint 14 MATE desktop.

Faience: This is a GTK 3 theme that will make your Gnome Shell desktop look exquisite. This has awesome brushed aluminium styled switches for controls in the GTK windows. This is one theme that you must install. Hope GTK 3: Another quality GTK 3 theme for Gnome Shell. Well…

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More lovely MATE and GDM themes for Linux Mint 14.

More lovely MATE and GDM themes for Linux Mint 14. This GDM/MDM theme is an outstanding example of interface theming artwork and belongs on any Linux computer. The Gnome Cupertino theme for GTK 3.0/MATE. Flatstudio 1.0.2 for Gnome and MATE. This theme will not appear in the theme browser; click…

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A list of my most useful theming posts for Linux desktops. A selection of some very useful themes and styles for KDE & MATE. How to install the Linux Mint 13 MATE desktop in Ubuntu 12.10. A list of lovely themes for the Linux Mint 13 MATE desktop. Another selection of very nice MATE themes. A selection of very nice MATE icon themes and GTK styles to theme your desktop. Some themes…

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A look at the MATE desktop in Linux Mint 13.

A look at the MATE desktop in Linux Mint 13. I am showing how to remove and restore icons on the desktop and changing themes and icons. This desktop is laid out just like the Gnome 2.32.2 desktop was in Ubuntu 8.10. I like this desktop far more than the…

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Some more nice themes for the Linux Mint 13 MATE desktop.

If you wish your Linux Mint MATE desktop to look like the Windows XP operating system from Redmond WA, then you only need to install these two themes into your ~/.themes folder and then select the XP Luna theme in the Preferences->Appearance window. I have my MATE desktop setup with…

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Nice Cinnamon themes for Linux Mint 13 Maya.

Nice Cinnamon themes for Linux Mint 13 Maya. Eleganse-Elementary dark themes for Cinnamon. Mictlan Gnome Shell and Cinnamon theme. GoldieBluez Gnome & Cinnamon theme. AnTaRtIkA Gnome Shell and Cinnamon theme. Hacktivist Cinnamon theme. Elementary styled Gnome Shell and Cinnamon theme. Smooth Purple Cinnamon theme.

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