Make Ubuntu Linux look like Macintosh OSX.

Making Ubuntu look like Macintosh OSX is very simple, this theme I found is a very good recreation of the OSX Aqua theme. Download the theme like this. git clone clone Then copy the OS-X-Leopard-master directory to your ~/.themes folder and use the preferences dialog in the MATE…

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Make the Cinnamon desktop look like Windows 10.

The Cinnamon desktop on Linux is very themeable, I will show you how to install a nice Windows 10 theme on Linux. There is a nice theme available here: Download the Windows 10 icons here: Install the main theme under your ~/.themes directory, then select it in your…

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Make the Linux MATE desktop look just like Mac OSX.

There is a new theme set available on Gnome Look. This makes Linux look just like Macintosh OSX High Sierra. It is very high quality and well worth installing. The GTK3 theme: Icon theme: Cursor theme: A couple of Mac OSX wallpapers: Unpack the GTK theme…

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Make XfCE 4 look like a SGI O2 workstation.

Make your XFCE desktop look as close as possible to an old IRIX machine. SGI Screen Fonts Xfwm4 theme that is based on the window manager for SGI OS. SGI-IMD Metacity theme. This also works with MATE. SGI Irix cursor theme. This works with any window manager….

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Control which GTK theme a specific application uses on Linux.

This post will show you how to open a certain GTK application, like Gedit or Firefox, and force it to use a certain GTK theme. This example uses the Gedit editor. I am opening the editor using the BlackMATE theme. jason@Yog-Sothoth » ~ » $ env GTK_THEME="BlackMATE" /usr/bin/pluma   (pluma:5423):…

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How to install a lovely Windows 7 GTK theme on Linux Mint or Ubuntu.

A lovely GTK theme that emulates the look of Windows 7. I have just found a very good Windows 7 GTK theme: This is a lovely GTK theme that makes your MATE or Gnome 2.32.2 interface look just like the Windows 7 Basic theme. Windows Vista icon theme:….

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How to install KDE 4 on Fedora 25 easily.

Installing the KDE 4 desktop on Fedora 25 is very easy. There are package groups that allow installation of desktop environments. This is how to install the KDE desktop environment group. [root@localhost jason]# dnf install @kde-desktop-environment[root@localhost jason]# dnf install @kde-desktop-environment This command will fetch and install KDE 4 on Fedora….

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Lovely new OSX GTK3 theme for Linux Mint MATE.

There is a lovely GTK3 theme available for the Linux Mint MATE desktop. This looks very nice when coupled with a good Metacity theme.,+Unity+&+Cinnamon%29?content=174139. This is what the El Capitan theme looks like on a Debian desktop. Download the El Capitan theme here. This is a very nice…

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