How to get a good old fashioned text boot with Ubuntu 18.04.

This GRUB config in the /etc/default/grub file will give a good old-fashioned text boot instead of the graphical bootsplash that we are all familiar with. This works very well on my system, and the user can see exactly what is happening when the machine is booting up. This allows the…

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Dump the contents of a virtual console with this command.

There is a simple way to dump the contents of a virtual console to a file, the screendump command is the best way to achieve this. ubuntu ~ $ sudo screendump Ubunt * Stopping System V runlevel compatibility [ OK ] u 14.0 * Starting execute cloud user/final scripts […

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How to copy text from the terminal to the clipboard.

To copy text to the clipboard from the Linux command line in Xorg, we need to install a nice utility called xclip. This will allow us to copy text from the terminal to the clipboard. Install xclip. jason@jason-desktop:~$ sudo apt install xclipjason@jason-desktop:~$ sudo apt install xclip Then create the bash…

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Debian 8 still stores WIFI passwords in plain text.

The /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections directory in Debian and Ubuntu stores files that are named after the WIFI networks you have connected to. These contain the passwords for the wireless networks that your machine has connected to. Here is a sample file. [connection] id=detportal uuid=539c7711-95ba-4f0a-8797-33d32ec779d7 type=802-11-wireless   [802-11-wireless] ssid=detportal mode=infrastructure security=802-11-wireless-security   [802-11-wireless-security]…

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How to install Sublime text in Linux Mint 15 with a PPA.

The Sublime text 2 editor is an amazing new text editor for Linux and Windows that will make your text editing duties much easier. Firstly, you need to add the PPA for Linux Mint 15/Ubuntu 13.04. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/sublime-text-3sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/sublime-text-3 Then update the package repositories to enable the apt…

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How to filter text with the sed command. This is useful for various shell tricks.

Using wildcards on the Linux command line This is a standard listing of files with wildcards in the bash shell. homer@deep-thought ~/Documents $ ls *.wad basenew.wad cc4-tex.wad city-heat.wad dark.wad doom.wad plutonia.wad scythe2.wad SKYTEST.wad brick.wad cchest4.wad consoleCopy.wad doom2.wad hexen.wad RIII.wad scythex.wad SODfinal.wadhomer@deep-thought ~/Documents $ ls *.wad basenew.wad cc4-tex.wad city-heat.wad dark.wad doom.wad…

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Mandrake Linux 9.2. A nice look back at this old distro.

After testing out Mandrake Linux 9.2 in Virtualbox, I am amazed at how fast this Linux distribution is on modern hardware. Sure it is emulated with 512 megabytes of RAM and a 4 gigabyte hard disk in the Virtualbox machine, but 512 megabytes of memory is a lot for such…

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